--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2008 Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+package Dpkg::Source::Package::V2_0;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Dpkg::Source::Package';
+use Dpkg;
+use Dpkg::Gettext;
+use Dpkg::ErrorHandling qw(error syserr warning usageerr subprocerr);
+use Dpkg::Compression;
+use Dpkg::Source::Archive;
+use Dpkg::Source::Patch;
+use Dpkg::Version qw(check_version);
+use Dpkg::Exit;
+use Dpkg::Source::Functions qw(erasedir);
+use POSIX;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
+sub do_extract {
+ my ($self, $newdirectory) = @_;
+ my $fields = $self->{'fields'};
+ my $dscdir = $self->{'basedir'};
+ check_version($fields->{'Version'});
+ my $basename = $self->get_basename();
+ my $basenamerev = $self->get_basename(1);
+ my ($tarfile, $debianfile, %origtar, %seen);
+ foreach my $file ($self->get_files()) {
+ (my $uncompressed = $file) =~ s/\.$comp_regex$//;
+ error(_g("duplicate files in %s source package: %s.*"), "v2.0",
+ $uncompressed) if $seen{$uncompressed};
+ $seen{$uncompressed} = 1;
+ if ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig\.tar\.$comp_regex$/) {
+ $tarfile = $file;
+ } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basename\E\.orig-(\w+)\.tar\.$comp_regex$/) {
+ $origtar{$1} = $file;
+ } elsif ($file =~ /^\Q$basenamerev\E\.debian\.tar\.$comp_regex$/) {
+ $debianfile = $file;
+ } else {
+ error(_g("unrecognized file for a %s source package: %s"),
+ "v2.0", $file);
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($tarfile and $debianfile) {
+ error(_g("missing orig.tar or debian.tar file in v2.0 source package"));
+ }
+ erasedir($newdirectory);
+ # Extract main tarball
+ printf(_g("%s: unpacking %s")."\n", $progname, $tarfile);
+ my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$tarfile");
+ $tar->extract($newdirectory);
+ # Extract additional orig tarballs
+ foreach my $subdir (keys %origtar) {
+ my $file = $origtar{$subdir};
+ printf(_g("%s: unpacking %s")."\n", $progname, $file);
+ $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$file");
+ $tar->extract("$newdirectory/$subdir");
+ }
+ # Extract debian tarball
+ $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => "$dscdir$debianfile");
+ $tar->extract("$newdirectory/debian");
+ # Apply patches (in a separate method as it might be overriden)
+ $self->apply_patches($newdirectory);
+sub get_autopatch_name {
+ return "zz_debian-diff-auto";
+sub get_patches {
+ my ($self, $dir, $skip_auto) = @_;
+ my @patches;
+ my $pd = "$dir/debian/patches";
+ my $auto_patch = $self->get_autopatch_name();
+ if (-d $pd) {
+ opendir(DIR, $pd) || syserr(_g("cannot opendir %s"), $pd);
+ foreach my $patch (sort readdir(DIR)) {
+ # patches match same rules as run-parts
+ next unless $patch =~ /^[\w-]+$/ and -f "$pd/$patch";
+ next if $skip_auto and $patch eq $auto_patch;
+ push @patches, "$pd/$patch";
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ }
+ return @patches;
+sub apply_patches {
+ my ($self, $dir, $skip_auto) = @_;
+ my $timestamp = time();
+ foreach my $patch ($self->get_patches($dir, $skip_auto)) {
+ printf(_g("%s: applying %s")."\n", $progname, basename($patch)) unless $skip_auto;
+ my $patch_obj = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $patch);
+ $patch_obj->apply($dir, force_timestamp => 1,
+ timestamp => $timestamp);
+ }
+sub can_build {
+ my ($self, $dir) = @_;
+ foreach ($self->find_original_tarballs()) {
+ return 1 if /\.orig\.tar\.$comp_regex$/;
+ }
+ return (0, _g("no orig.tar file found"));
+sub do_build {
+ my ($self, $dir) = @_;
+ my @argv = @{$self->{'options'}{'ARGV'}};
+ my @tar_ignore = map { "--exclude=$_" } @{$self->{'options'}{'tar_ignore'}};
+ my $diff_ignore_regexp = $self->{'options'}{'diff_ignore_regexp'};
+ $dir =~ s{/+$}{}; # Strip trailing /
+ my ($dirname, $updir) = fileparse($dir);
+ if (scalar(@argv)) {
+ usageerr(_g("-b takes only one parameter with v2.0 source packages"));
+ }
+ my $sourcepackage = $self->{'fields'}{'Source'};
+ my $basenamerev = $self->get_basename(1);
+ my $basename = $self->get_basename();
+ my $basedirname = $basename;
+ $basedirname =~ s/_/-/;
+ # Identify original tarballs
+ my ($tarfile, %origtar);
+ my @origtarballs;
+ foreach (sort $self->find_original_tarballs()) {
+ if (/\.orig\.tar\.$comp_regex$/) {
+ $tarfile = $_;
+ push @origtarballs, $_;
+ $self->add_file($_);
+ } elsif (/\.orig-(\w+)\.tar\.$comp_regex$/) {
+ $origtar{$1} = $_;
+ push @origtarballs, $_;
+ $self->add_file($_);
+ }
+ }
+ error(_g("no orig.tar file found")) unless $tarfile;
+ printf(_g("%s: building %s using existing %s")."\n",
+ $progname, $sourcepackage, "@origtarballs");
+ # Unpack a second copy for comparison
+ my $tmp = tempdir("$dirname.orig.XXXXXX", DIR => $updir);
+ push @Dpkg::Exit::handlers, sub { erasedir($tmp) };
+ # Extract main tarball
+ my $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $tarfile);
+ $tar->extract($tmp);
+ # Extract additional orig tarballs
+ foreach my $subdir (keys %origtar) {
+ my $file = $origtar{$subdir};
+ $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $file);
+ $tar->extract("$tmp/$subdir");
+ }
+ # Copy over the debian directory
+ system("cp", "-a", "$dir/debian", "$tmp/");
+ subprocerr(_g("copy of the debian directory")) if $?;
+ # Apply all patches except the last automatic one
+ $self->apply_patches($tmp, 1);
+ # Create a patch
+ my ($difffh, $tmpdiff) = tempfile("$basenamerev.diff.XXXXXX",
+ DIR => $updir, UNLINK => 0);
+ push @Dpkg::Exit::handlers, sub { unlink($tmpdiff) };
+ my $diff = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(filename => $tmpdiff,
+ compression => "none");
+ $diff->create();
+ $diff->add_diff_directory($tmp, $dir, basedirname => $basedirname,
+ diff_ignore_regexp => $self->{'options'}{'diff_ignore_regexp'});
+ error(_g("unrepresentable changes to source")) if not $diff->finish();
+ # The previous auto-patch must be removed, it has not been used and it
+ # will be recreated if it's still needed
+ my $autopatch = "$dir/debian/patches/" . $self->get_autopatch_name();
+ if (-e $autopatch) {
+ unlink($autopatch) || syserr(_g("cannot remove %s"), $autopatch);
+ }
+ # Install the diff as the new autopatch
+ if (not -s $tmpdiff) {
+ unlink($tmpdiff) || syserr(_g("cannot remove %s"), $tmpdiff);
+ } else {
+ rename($tmpdiff, $autopatch) ||
+ syserr(_g("cannot rename %s to %s"), $tmpdiff, $autopatch);
+ }
+ $self->register_autopatch($dir);
+ pop @Dpkg::Exit::handlers;
+ # Remove the temporary directory
+ erasedir($tmp);
+ pop @Dpkg::Exit::handlers;
+ # Create the debian.tar
+ my $debianfile = "$basenamerev.debian.tar." . $self->{'options'}{'comp_ext'};
+ printf(_g("%s: building %s in %s")."\n",
+ $progname, $sourcepackage, $debianfile);
+ $tar = Dpkg::Source::Archive->new(filename => $debianfile);
+ $tar->create(options => \@tar_ignore, 'chdir' => $dir);
+ $tar->add_directory("debian");
+ $tar->finish();
+ $self->add_file($debianfile);
+sub register_autopatch {
+ my ($self, $dir) = @_;
+# vim:et:sw=4:ts=8