--- /dev/null
+require 'optparse'
+$program_name = File.basename($0, '.*')
+class Ls
+ def help(parser, code=0, io=STDOUT)
+ io.puts "Usage: #{$program_name} ls [<directory> ...]"
+ io.puts parser.summarize
+ io.puts "Lists the contents of the given directory/directories, or the current"
+ io.puts "directory if none is given. For each file show whether it is PGP-encrypted"
+ io.puts "file, and if yes whether we can read it."
+ exit(code)
+ end
+ def ls_dir(d)
+ begin
+ dir = Dir.open(d)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ STDERR.puts e
+ return
+ end
+ puts "#{d}:"
+ dir.each do |filename|
+ next if (filename =~ /^\./) and not @all
+ stat = File::Stat.new(filename)
+ if stat.symlink?
+ puts "(sym) #{filename}"
+ elsif stat.directory?
+ puts "(dir) #{filename}"
+ elsif !stat.file?
+ puts "(other) #{filename}"
+ else
+ puts "(file) #{filename}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize()
+ ARGV.options do |opts|
+ opts.on_tail("-h", "--help" , "Display this help screen") { help(opts) }
+ opts.on_tail("-a", "--all" , "Show all files") { |@all| }
+ opts.parse!
+ end
+ dirs = ARGV
+ dirs.push('.') unless dirs.size > 0
+ dirs.each { |dir| ls_dir(dir) }
+ end
+case ARGV.shift
+ when 'ls': Ls.new
+ else
+ STDERR.puts "What!?"