+++ /dev/null
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use English;
-use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
-use Dpkg;
-use Dpkg::Gettext;
-use Dpkg::ErrorHandling qw(warning error failure internerr syserr subprocerr);
-use Dpkg::Fields qw(capit sort_field_by_importance);
-our %fi; # - map of fields values. keys are of the form "S# key"
- # where S is source (L is changelog, C is control)
- # and # is an index
-our %p2i; # - map from datafile+packagename to index in controlfile
- # (used if multiple packages can be listed). Key is
- # "S key" where S is the source and key is the packagename
-my $parsechangelog = 'dpkg-parsechangelog';
-sub parsechangelog {
- my ($changelogfile, $changelogformat, $since) = @_;
- defined(my $c = open(CDATA, "-|")) || syserr(_g("fork for parse changelog"));
- if ($c) {
- binmode(CDATA);
- parsecdata(\*CDATA, 'L', 0, _g("parsed version of changelog"));
- close(CDATA);
- $? && subprocerr(_g("parse changelog"));
- } else {
- binmode(STDOUT);
- my @al = ($parsechangelog);
- push(@al,"-l$changelogfile");
- push(@al, "-F$changelogformat") if defined($changelogformat);
- push(@al, "-v$since") if defined($since);
- exec(@al) || &syserr("exec parsechangelog $parsechangelog");
- }
-sub readmd5sum {
- (my $md5sum = shift) or return;
- $md5sum =~ s/^([0-9a-f]{32})\s*\*?-?\s*\n?$/$1/o
- || failure(_g("md5sum gave bogus output `%s'"), $md5sum);
- return $md5sum;
-# XXX: Should not be a global!!
-my $whatmsg;
-sub parsecdata {
- my ($cdata, $source, $many);
- ($cdata, $source, $many, $whatmsg) = @_;
- # many=0: ordinary control data like output from dpkg-parsechangelog
- # many=1: many paragraphs like in source control file
- # many=-1: single paragraph of control data optionally signed
- my $index = '';
- my $cf = '';
- my $paraborder = 1;
- while (<$cdata>) {
- s/\s*\n$//;
- next if (m/^$/ and $paraborder);
- next if (m/^#/);
- $paraborder=0;
- if (m/^(\S+?)\s*:\s*(.*)$/) {
- $cf = $1;
- my $v = $2;
- $cf= &capit($cf);
- $fi{"$source$index $cf"}= $v;
- $fi{"o:$source$index $cf"}= $1;
- if (lc $cf eq 'package') { $p2i{"$source $v"}= $index; }
- } elsif (m/^\s+\S/) {
- length($cf) || &syntax(_g("continued value line not in field"));
- $fi{"$source$index $cf"}.= "\n$_";
- } elsif (m/^-----BEGIN PGP/ && $many<0) {
- $many == -2 && syntax(_g("expected blank line before PGP signature"));
- while (<$cdata>) {
- last if m/^$/;
- }
- $many= -2;
- } elsif (m/^$/) {
- $paraborder = 1;
- if ($many>0) {
- $index++; $cf='';
- } elsif ($many == -2) {
- $_ = <$cdata> while defined($_) && $_ =~ /^\s*$/;
- length($_) ||
- &syntax(_g("expected PGP signature, found EOF after blank line"));
- s/\n$//;
- m/^-----BEGIN PGP/ ||
- &syntax(sprintf(_g("expected PGP signature, found something else \`%s'"), $_));
- $many= -3; last;
- } else {
- while (<$cdata>) {
- /^\s*$/ ||
- &syntax(_g("found several \`paragraphs' where only one expected"));
- }
- }
- } else {
- &syntax(_g("line with unknown format (not field-colon-value)"));
- }
- }
- $many == -2 && &syntax(_g("found start of PGP body but no signature"));
- if (length($cf)) { $index++; }
- $index || &syntax(_g("empty file"));
- return $index;
-sub syntax {
- error(_g("syntax error in %s at line %d: %s"), $whatmsg, $., $_[0]);