The logic never worked since reading from the boot console is useless
when a service is started after boot. Hence drop this half-baked code,
since we now have a place document incompatibilities like this.
short_description = d;
- } else if (startswith_no_case(t, "X-Interactive:")) {
- int b;
- if ((b = parse_boolean(strstrip(t+14))) < 0) {
- log_warning("[%s:%u] Couldn't parse interactive flag. Ignoring.", path, line);
- continue;
- }
- if (b)
- s->exec_context.std_input = EXEC_INPUT_TTY;
- else
- s->exec_context.std_input = EXEC_INPUT_NULL;
} else if (state == LSB_DESCRIPTION) {
if (startswith(l, "#\t") || startswith(l, "# ")) {