2005-06-23 Stephane Corthesy * v4.5.165 * WOComponent.m: -synchronizesVariablesWithBindings now returns NO if the component is stateless (-isStateless returns YES) * WOComponent.m: -frameworkName now returns 'nil' if the component is located in the main bundle (this might affect resource lookups) * WOComponent.m: +templateWithHTMLString:declarationString:languages: is now a class method like in WO * WOComponent.m: -pathForResourceNamed: now checks whether a session is available and otherwise uses the browserLanguages array to perform a languages lookup 2005-06-10 Helge Hess * WEClientCapabilities.m: fixed a typo (v4.5.164) 2005-06-02 Helge Hess * WebDAV/SoObjectWebDAVDispatcher.m: prepared MKCALENDAR method (v4.5.163) 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * v4.5.162 * WebDAV/SoObjectWebDAVDispatcher.m: minor code cleanups, added support for PROPFIND without content (treated as ) * WebDAV/README: added content to the README 2005-05-30 Helge Hess * SoObjects/SoProductClassInfo.m: allow plain string values for slots in product.plist (v4.5.161) 2005-05-05 Helge Hess * WEClientCapabilities.m: added Perl HTTP::DAV as a known WebDAV user agent (v4.5.160) 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * Templates/WOApplication+Builders.m: fixed a typo (v4.5.159) 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * v4.5.158 * WOWatchDogApplicationMainOSX.m: fixed a gcc 4.0 warning * NGHttp, WOImage.m, WOString.m, _WOTemporaryHyperlink.m: fixed Tiger warnings * Templates/WOApplication+Builders.m: fixed an uninitialized variable on Cocoa (v4.5.157) 2005-04-25 Helge Hess * Templates/WODParser.m: fixed parsing of bool constants (got broken in v4.5.152) (OGo bug #1360) (v4.5.156) 2005-04-24 Helge Hess * v4.5.155 * WOMailDelivery.m: generate \r\n instead of \n when writing to the sendmail process * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * WOHttpAdaptor, WebDAV: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v4.5.154) * v4.5.153 * Templates/WOHTMLParser.m: rewrote parser to use unichar * Templates: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * v4.5.152 * Templates/WODParser.m: rewrote parser to use unichar * DynamicElements, WOResponse+private.h: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings 2005-04-12 Helge Hess * v4.5.151 * added generated manpages for all .api files * added woapi2man.py, a tool to generate man-pages from .api XML files (used for describing the bindings of dynamic elements) 2005-04-12 Helge Hess * v4.5.150 * fhs.make: install manpages * sope-ngobjweb-defaults: fixed a syntax error 2005-04-05 Helge Hess * DynamicElements/WOPopUpButton.m: added a template so that static