2005-09-18 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: added missing linking path to NGMail (required on OSX) (v4.5.201) 2005-09-15 Helge Hess * started WOxTalElemBuilder (v4.5.200) 2005-09-13 Marcus Mueller * DynamicElements/_WOComplexHyperlink.m: do not generate hyperlink if "disabled" evaluates true. This matches the behaviour of WebObjects 4.5 and guarantees to do the right stuff in the context of SOPE applications also. (v4.5.199) 2005-09-07 Helge Hess * Templates/WOxElemBuilder.m: added several support methods to assist builder subclasses to build WOElements (moved in from OGo) (v4.5.198) 2005-09-06 Helge Hess * v4.5.197 * Templates/WOWrapperTemplateBuilder.m: attributes of or <#Element> tags are now added as associations to dynamic elements. The type of the association is determined by the prefix (hardcoded: var, const, so, rsrc). Tag attributes have precedence over wod associations so that you can define defaults in the .wod file and override them in the .html template. If the .wod file does not contain a definition for a given tagname, the parser will now attempt to treat the tagname as a class (eg: <#WOString var:value="name"/> now works w/o any .wod entry). * Templates/WOHTMLParser.m (_parseHashElement): parse attributes defined in hash tags (eg <#abc value="abc"/>) * DynamicElements/WOSwitchComponent.m, DynamicElements/WOComponentReference.m: minor code cleanups (v4.5.196) 2005-09-05 Marcus Mueller * v4.5.195 * DynamicElements/WOxMiscElemBuilder.m: mapped "set-header" to WOSetHeader element * DynamicElements/WOConditional.api: added SOPE extensions 2005-08-31 Helge Hess * v4.5.194 * DynamicElements/WOString.m: minor code cleanups * DynamicElements/WOxMiscElemBuilder.m: removed generation of radio-button-matrix (which is part of WOExtensions), added generation of WORadioButtonList () 2005-08-27 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: improved dependency handling (v4.5.193) 2005-08-23 Helge Hess * v4.5.192 * DynamicElements/WOCopyValue.api: fixed required attribute * DynamicElements: added WOSetHeader dynamic element, this renders nothing and is used to manipulate the headers of the response being generated (or other objects with the same API) 2005-08-23 Marcus Mueller * DynamicElements/WOCopyValue.api: completed definition (v4.5.191) 2005-08-23 Helge Hess * v4.5.190 * GNUmakefile.preamble: added NGMail framework dependency * WODisplayGroup.m: fixed an issue with processing max qualifiers 2005-08-22 Helge Hess * v4.5.189 * DynamicElements/WOxComponentElemBuilder.m: expose WOCopyValue as in WOx * DynamicElements: added WOCopyValue dynamic element, this renders nothing and is used to copy KVC values at certain times during the template evaluation 2005-08-19 Helge Hess * v4.5.188 * WebDAV/SoObjectWebDAVDispatcher.m: reuse root-url construction method in SoObject.m * WebDAV/SoObjectDataSource.m, WebDAV/SoObjectResultEntry.m: removed two aborts * SoObjects/SoObject.m: added a hack to deal with buggy Debian apachessl (#1435), moved root-url construction method to a function 2005-08-16 Helge Hess * v4.5.187 * WOApplication.m: minor code cleanups * GNUmakefile, GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed installation of framework resources 2005-08-11 Helge Hess * ngobjweb.make: added support for OSX frameworks (v4.5.186) 2005-08-11 Marcus Mueller * Defaults.plist: changed 'NGLogDefaultAppenderClass' from 'NGLogStdoutAppender' to 'NGLogStderrAppender' (v4.5.185) 2005-08-06 Helge Hess * Templates/WOHTMLParser.m (_parseHashElement): fixed a bug in detecting errors (v4.5.184) 2005-08-05 Helge Hess * v4.5.183 * Templates/WOHTMLParser.m: improved error handling for hash-closetag typos (will warn when a slash follows a hash, eg "<#/blub>") * WODisplayGroup.m: implemented -setSelectedObject:/-selectedObject, changes -selectObject: to replace the full selection with the given object (correct?), added delete/insert operations * WOApplication.m: also check for CoreData NSManagedObjectContext when trying to locate an EOEditingContext like class 2005-08-04 Helge Hess * minor code cleanups (v4.5.182) 2005-08-03 Helge Hess * WODisplayGroup.m: detect whether an EOEditingContext is available at runtime (previously compile time), consolidated categories in the main class to allow for runtime overloading (v4.5.181) 2005-08-02 Helge Hess * v4.5.180 * WEClientCapabilities.m: added Google as a known user-agent * WOResourceManager.m, SoObjects/SoProductClassInfo.m: minor code cleanup * SoObjects/SoProductResourceManager.m: improved an error log 2005-07-23 Sebastian Reitenbach * GNUmakefile.preamble: added OpenBSD linking flags (v4.5.179) 2005-07-23 Helge Hess * WOContext.m: subminor code reformatting * NGHttp/NGUrlFormCoder.m: added some patch by Mont which changes URL handling on non-libFoundation platforms 2005-07-21 Helge Hess * SoObjects/WOContext+SoObjects.m: lookup SoUser using authenticator in case a clientObject is available and it wasn't set yet (when retrieving the user using -activeUser) (v4.5.178) 2005-07-20 Marcus Mueller * v4.5.177 * WOApplication.m: workaround the problem that context during page instantiation is always believed to be that of WOApplication. * WOResourceManager.m: added comment for possible resource lookup problem 2005-07-19 Helge Hess * WOContext.m: properly generate multivalue query parameters (value is an NSArray) (v4.5.176) * NGObjWeb/WOApplication.h: added +isDirectConnectEnabled, +setCGIAdaptorURL:, +cgiAdaptorURL prototypes (v4.5.175) * v4.5.174 * WOResourceManager.m: added method to retrieve a string-table object with a given name/framework/language * _WOStringTable.m: added methods to access a table like a dictionary, added -valueForKey: 2005-07-18 Helge Hess * v4.5.173 * DynamicElements/WOFileUpload.m: improved debug logging * DynamicElements/_WOComplexHyperlink.m: minor code cleanups * WOElement.m: improved handling of query parameters (now handles arrays of form values) 2005-07-13 Helge Hess * WebDAV/SoObject+SoDAV.m: changed not to return an etag per default (must be overridden by subclasses!) (v4.5.172) 2005-07-11 Helge Hess * v4.5.171 * WOComponentRequestHandler.m: stabilized session handling to properly deal with expired sessions and URLs without element-ids * WORequestHandler.m: properly register logger bound to 'WODebuggingEnabled' as debugLogger, not as the regular logger 2005-07-08 Helge Hess * SoObjects/SoHTTPAuthenticator.m: deprecated -authRealm, replaced with -authRealmInContext: (v4.5.170) * WOComponent.m: added support for WODebugTakeValues (v4.5.169) 2005-07-06 Helge Hess * WebDAV/SoObjectWebDAVDispatcher.m: fixed an issue when trying to call a WebDAV method on an object (v4.5.168) 2005-06-26 Helge Hess * v4.5.167 * WebDAV/SoWebDAVRenderer.m: improved reliability by checking the class of OPTIONS method results, deprecated array results * WebDAV/SoObjectWebDAVDispatcher.m: when receiving an OPTIONS request, the dispatcher will try to invoke a method with the same name on the object. If none is available, the dispatcher checks supported methods and DAV compliance classes * WebDAV/SoObject+SoDAV.m: added method to determine the WebDAV compliance classes supported by an object (davComplianceClassesInContext:). The method now only returns class 2 if the object returns a lock manager object. Also moved the 'allowed' processing to the object (-davAllowedMethodsInContext: method) 2005-06-24 Helge Hess * SoObjects/SoProductRegistry.m: fixed product lookup on MacOSX with GNUstep environment (v4.5.166) 2005-06-23 Stephane Corthesy * v4.5.165 * WOComponent.m: -synchronizesVariablesWithBindings now returns NO if the component is stateless (-isStateless returns YES) * WOComponent.m: -frameworkName now returns 'nil' if the component is located in the main bundle (this might affect resource lookups) * WOComponent.m: +templateWithHTMLString:declarationString:languages: is now a class method like in WO * WOComponent.m: -pathForResourceNamed: now checks whether a session is available and otherwise uses the browserLanguages array to perform a languages lookup 2005-06-10 Helge Hess * WEClientCapabilities.m: fixed a typo (v4.5.164) 2005-06-02 Helge Hess * WebDAV/SoObjectWebDAVDispatcher.m: prepared MKCALENDAR method (v4.5.163) 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * v4.5.162 * WebDAV/SoObjectWebDAVDispatcher.m: minor code cleanups, added support for PROPFIND without content (treated as ) * WebDAV/README: added content to the README 2005-05-30 Helge Hess * SoObjects/SoProductClassInfo.m: allow plain string values for slots in product.plist (v4.5.161) 2005-05-05 Helge Hess * WEClientCapabilities.m: added Perl HTTP::DAV as a known WebDAV user agent (v4.5.160) 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * Templates/WOApplication+Builders.m: fixed a typo (v4.5.159) 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * v4.5.158 * WOWatchDogApplicationMainOSX.m: fixed a gcc 4.0 warning * NGHttp, WOImage.m, WOString.m, _WOTemporaryHyperlink.m: fixed Tiger warnings * Templates/WOApplication+Builders.m: fixed an uninitialized variable on Cocoa (v4.5.157) 2005-04-25 Helge Hess * Templates/WODParser.m: fixed parsing of bool constants (got broken in v4.5.152) (OGo bug #1360) (v4.5.156) 2005-04-24 Helge Hess * v4.5.155 * WOMailDelivery.m: generate \r\n instead of \n when writing to the sendmail process * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * WOHttpAdaptor, WebDAV: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v4.5.154) * v4.5.153 * Templates/WOHTMLParser.m: rewrote parser to use unichar * Templates: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * v4.5.152 * Templates/WODParser.m: rewrote parser to use unichar * DynamicElements, WOResponse+private.h: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings 2005-04-12 Helge Hess * v4.5.151 * added generated manpages for all .api files * added woapi2man.py, a tool to generate man-pages from .api XML files (used for describing the bindings of dynamic elements) 2005-04-12 Helge Hess * v4.5.150 * fhs.make: install manpages * sope-ngobjweb-defaults: fixed a syntax error 2005-04-05 Helge Hess * DynamicElements/WOPopUpButton.m: added a template so that static