2005-08-11 Helge Hess * more work on OSX framework support 2005-08-10 Helge Hess * prepared for OSX frameworks 2005-01-04 Marcus Mueller * sope-appserver.xcode: added SoOFS product 2004-12-14 Marcus Mueller * NGXmlRpc/NGXmlRpc.xcode: minor changes and updated 2004-11-07 Marcus Mueller * sope-appserver.xcode: added NGXmlRpc product * README-OSX.txt: updated prebinding information 2004-11-02 Marcus Mueller * sope-appserver.xcode: adjusted the build process to new NGObjWeb targets. 2004-09-22 Marcus Mueller * README-OSX.txt: minor changes to the prebinding documentation. The whole document needs an overhaul, still. 2004-09-21 Marcus Mueller * NGExtensions.xcode: Fixed dependencies to resemble the make process more closely. Our aim should be to stick to the make process as closely as possible, so we shouldn't introduce dependencies in non-toplevel projects. 2004-08-30 Marcus Mueller * sope-appserver.xcode: new Xcode aggregate project * removed old SOPE.xcode 2004-08-25 Helge Hess * move NGScripting to Recycler, not used anymore 2004-08-22 Helge Hess * added SoOFS as a separate project 2004-08-20 Helge Hess * moved SxComponents to Recycler 2004-07-21 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: fixed an incorrect framework search path. 2004-07-21 Marcus Mueller * README-OSX.txt: Major overhaul for build description, especially the Xcode section. * SOPE.xcode: added WOKeyPathAssociationSystemKVC.m and NSUserDefaults+KVC.m in NGObjWeb/Associations to the Xcode build which were previously missing. 2004-07-16 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: added 'Wrapper' build style and 'Wrapper Contents' target. Use these to build the frameworks in an appropriate form to have them embedded in an applications app wrapper's 'Frameworks' folder. 2004-06-24 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: removed WOPopUpButton.h. 2004-05-16 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: added new bundle products, SoCore.sxp and SoOFS.sxp - both seemed to get lost in the transition from Project Builder to Xcode. Please note that the names of the two products bear the (SXP) specifier which is unfortunately necessary since there already is an SoOFS target and Xcode seriously gets confused by this, despite the fact that the product types are different. 2004-05-07 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: added new WOMessage+Validation.m 2004-04-28 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: added new WOXML framework for legacy applications. * README-OSX.txt: updated prebinding info list for new WOXML target. 2004-04-19 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: added WEPageLink in WEExtensions, WOHyperlink cluster in NGObjWeb. 2004-04-02 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: Added WETableView group and accompanied files in WEExtensions. 2004-03-31 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: added WERedirect.m to WEExtensions, added WORedirect.[hm] and WOExtensions.h to WOExtensions. 2004-03-24 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: added WEQualifierConditional in WEExtensions. Also, added -headerpad_max_install_names link option where appropriate. 2004-03-08 Helge Hess * SOPE.xcode: added new source files in WebDAV * README-OSX.txt: added some build notes 2004-02-26 Helge Hess * added WOResourceURLAssociation to Xcode project 2004-02-10 Marcus Mueller * SOPE.xcode: Updated prebinding information according to README-OSX.txt. Also, added Foundation.framework explicitly to all subprojects. * README-OSX.txt: New README currently describing prebinding information for Mac OS X. * ChangeLog: created.