#!/usr/bin/ruby # password store management tool # Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Peter Palfrader # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'optparse' require 'thread' require 'tempfile' require 'yaml' Thread.abort_on_exception = true GNUPG = "/usr/bin/gpg" $program_name = File.basename($0, '.*') $editor = ENV['EDITOR'] if $editor == nil %w{/usr/bin/sensible-editor /usr/bin/editor /usr/bin/vi}.each do |editor| if FileTest.executable?(editor) $editor = editor break end end end class GnuPG @@my_keys = nil @@my_fprs = nil @@keyid_fpr_mapping = {} def GnuPG.readwrite3(intxt, infd, stdoutfd, stderrfd, statusfd) outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt = '' thread_in = Thread.new { infd.print intxt infd.close } thread_out = Thread.new { outtxt = stdoutfd.read stdoutfd.close } thread_err = Thread.new { errtxt = stderrfd.read stderrfd.close } thread_status = Thread.new { statustxt = statusfd.read statusfd.close } if (statusfd) thread_in.join thread_out.join thread_err.join thread_status.join if thread_status return outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt end def GnuPG.gpgcall(intxt, args, require_success = false) inR, inW = IO.pipe outR, outW = IO.pipe errR, errW = IO.pipe statR, statW = IO.pipe pid = Kernel.fork do inW.close outR.close errR.close statR.close STDIN.reopen(inR) STDOUT.reopen(outW) STDERR.reopen(errW) begin exec(GNUPG, "--status-fd=#{statW.fileno}", *args) rescue Exception => e outW.puts("[PWSEXECERROR]: #{e}") exit(1) end raise ("Calling gnupg failed") end inR.close outW.close errW.close statW.close (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt) = readwrite3(intxt, inW, outR, errR, statR); wpid, status = Process.waitpid2 pid throw "Unexpected pid: #{pid} vs #{wpid}" unless pid == wpid throw "Process has not exited!?" unless status.exited? throw "gpg call did not exit sucessfully" if (require_success and status.exitstatus != 0) if m=/^\[PWSEXECERROR\]: (.*)/.match(outtxt) then STDERR.puts "Could not run GnuPG: #{m[1]}" exit(1) end return outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt, status.exitstatus end def GnuPG.init_keys() return if @@my_keys (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt) = GnuPG.gpgcall('', %w{--fast-list-mode --with-colons --with-fingerprint --list-secret-keys}, true) @@my_keys = [] @@my_fprs = [] outtxt.split("\n").each do |line| parts = line.split(':') if (parts[0] == "ssb" or parts[0] == "sec") @@my_keys.push parts[4] elsif (parts[0] == "fpr") @@my_fprs.push parts[9] end end end # This is for my private keys, so we can tell if a file is encrypted to us def GnuPG.get_my_keys() init_keys @@my_keys end # And this is for my private keys also, so we can tell if we are encrypting to ourselves def GnuPG.get_my_fprs() init_keys @@my_fprs end # This maps public keyids to fingerprints, so we can figure # out if a file that is encrypted to a bunch of keys is # encrypted to the fingerprints it should be encrypted to def GnuPG.get_fpr_from_keyid(keyid) fpr = @@keyid_fpr_mapping[keyid] # this can be null, if we tried to find the fpr but failed to find the key in our keyring unless fpr STDERR.puts "Warning: No key found for keyid #{keyid}" end return fpr end def GnuPG.get_fprs_from_keyids(keyids) learn_fingerprints_from_keyids(keyids) return keyids.collect{ |k| get_fpr_from_keyid(k) or "unknown" } end # this is to load the keys we will soon be asking about into # our keyid-fpr-mapping hash def GnuPG.learn_fingerprints_from_keyids(keyids) need_to_learn = keyids.reject{ |k| @@keyid_fpr_mapping.has_key?(k) } if need_to_learn.size > 0 # we can't use --fast-list-mode here because GnuPG is broken # and does not show elmo's fingerprint in a call like # gpg --with-colons --fast-list-mode --with-fingerprint --list-key D7C3F131AB2A91F5 args = %w{--with-colons --with-fingerprint --list-keys} args.concat need_to_learn (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt) = GnuPG.gpgcall('', args, true) pub = nil fpr = nil outtxt.split("\n").each do |line| parts = line.split(':') if (parts[0] == "pub") pub = parts[4] elsif (parts[0] == "fpr") fpr = parts[9] @@keyid_fpr_mapping[pub] = fpr elsif (parts[0] == "sub") @@keyid_fpr_mapping[parts[4]] = fpr end end end need_to_learn.reject{ |k| @@keyid_fpr_mapping.has_key?(k) }.each { |k| @@keyid_fpr_mapping[k] = nil } end end def read_input(query, default_yes=true) if default_yes append = '[Y/n]' else append = '[y/N]' end while true print "#{query} #{append} " begin i = STDIN.readline.chomp.downcase rescue EOFError return default_yes end if i=="" return default_yes elsif i=="y" return true elsif i=="n" return false end end end class GroupConfig def initialize parse_file expand_groups end def verify(content) begin f = File.open(ENV['HOME']+'/.pws-trusted-users') rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts e exit(1) end trusted = [] f.readlines.each do |line| line.chomp! next if line =~ /^$/ next if line =~ /^#/ trusted.push line end args = [] args.push "--keyring=./.keyring" if FileTest.exists?(".keyring") (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt, exitstatus) = GnuPG.gpgcall(content, args) goodsig = false validsig = nil statustxt.split("\n").each do |line| if m = /^\[GNUPG:\] GOODSIG/.match(line) goodsig = true elsif m = /^\[GNUPG:\] VALIDSIG \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ ([0-9A-F]+)/.match(line) validsig = m[1] end end if not goodsig STDERR.puts ".users file is not signed properly. GnuPG said on stdout:" STDERR.puts outtxt STDERR.puts "and on stderr:" STDERR.puts stderrtxt STDERR.puts "and via statusfd:" STDERR.puts statustxt exit(1) end if not trusted.include?(validsig) STDERR.puts ".users file is signed by #{validsig} which is not in ~/.pws-trusted-users" exit(1) end if not exitstatus==0 STDERR.puts "gpg verify failed for .users file" exit(1) end return outtxt end def parse_file begin f = File.open('.users') rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts e exit(1) end users = f.read f.close users = verify(users) @users = {} @groups = {} lno = 0 users.split("\n").each do |line| lno = lno+1 next if line =~ /^$/ next if line =~ /^#/ if (m = /^([a-zA-Z0-9:-]+)\s*=\s*([0-9A-Fa-f]{40})\s*$/.match line) user = m[1] fpr = m[2] if @users.has_key?(user) STDERR.puts "User #{user} redefined at line #{lno}!" exit(1) end @users[user] = fpr elsif (m = /^(@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/.match line) group = m[1] members = m[2].strip if @groups.has_key?(group) STDERR.puts "Group #{group} redefined at line #{lno}!" exit(1) end members = members.split(/[\t ,]+/) @groups[group] = { "members" => members } end end end def is_group(name) return (name =~ /^@/) end def check_exists(x, whence, fatal=true) ok=true if is_group(x) ok=false unless (@groups.has_key?(x)) else ok=false unless @users.has_key?(x) end unless ok STDERR.puts( (fatal ? "Error: " : "Warning: ") + "#{whence} contains unknown member #{x}") exit(1) if fatal end return ok end def expand_groups @groups.each_pair do |groupname, group| group['members'].each do |member| check_exists(member, "Group #{groupname}") end group['members_to_do'] = group['members'].clone end while true had_progress = false all_expanded = true @groups.each_pair do |groupname, group| group['keys'] = [] unless group['keys'] still_contains_groups = false group['members_to_do'].clone.each do |member| if is_group(member) if @groups[member]['members_to_do'].size == 0 group['keys'].concat @groups[member]['keys'] group['members_to_do'].delete(member) had_progress = true else still_contains_groups = true end else group['keys'].push @users[member] group['members_to_do'].delete(member) had_progress = true end end all_expanded = false if still_contains_groups end break if all_expanded unless had_progress cyclic_groups = @groups.keys.reject{|name| @groups[name]['members_to_do'].size == 0}.join(", ") STDERR.puts "Cyclic group memberships in #{cyclic_groups}?" exit(1) end end end def expand_targets(targets) fprs = [] ok = true targets.each do |t| unless check_exists(t, "access line", false) ok = false next end if is_group(t) fprs.concat @groups[t]['keys'] else fprs.push @users[t] end end return ok, fprs.uniq end def get_users() return @users end end class EncryptedFile attr_reader :accessible, :encrypted, :readable, :readers def EncryptedFile.determine_readable(readers) GnuPG.get_my_keys.each do |keyid| return true if readers.include?(keyid) end return false end def EncryptedFile.list_readers(statustxt) readers = [] statustxt.split("\n").each do |line| m = /^\[GNUPG:\] ENC_TO ([0-9A-F]+)/.match line next unless m readers.push m[1] end return readers end def EncryptedFile.targets(text) text.split("\n").each do |line| if /^#/.match line next end m = /^access: (.*)/.match line return [] unless m return m[1].strip.split(/[\t ,]+/) end end def initialize(filename, new=false) @groupconfig = GroupConfig.new @new = new if @new @readers = [] end @filename = filename unless FileTest.readable?(filename) @accessible = false return end @accessible = true @encrypted_content = File.read(filename) (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt) = GnuPG.gpgcall(@encrypted_content, %w{--with-colons --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring=/dev/null --keyring=/dev/null}) @encrypted = !(statustxt =~ /\[GNUPG:\] NODATA/) if @encrypted @readers = EncryptedFile.list_readers(statustxt) @readable = EncryptedFile.determine_readable(@readers) end end def decrypt (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt, exitstatus) = GnuPG.gpgcall(@encrypted_content, %w{--decrypt}) if !@new and exitstatus != 0 proceed = read_input("Warning: gpg returned non-zero exit status #{exitstatus} when decrypting #{@filename}. Proceed?", false) exit(0) unless proceed elsif !@new and outtxt.length == 0 proceed = read_input("Warning: #{@filename} decrypted to an empty file. Proceed?") exit(0) unless proceed end return outtxt end def encrypt(content, recipients) args = recipients.collect{ |r| "--recipient=#{r}"} args.push "--trust-model=always" args.push "--keyring=./.keyring" if FileTest.exists?(".keyring") args.push "--armor" args.push "--encrypt" (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt, exitstatus) = GnuPG.gpgcall(content, args) invalid = [] statustxt.split("\n").each do |line| m = /^\[GNUPG:\] INV_RECP \S+ ([0-9A-F]+)/.match line next unless m invalid.push m[1] end if invalid.size > 0 again = read_input("Warning: the following recipients are invalid: #{invalid.join(", ")}. Try again (or proceed)?") return false if again end if outtxt.length == 0 tryagain = read_input("Error: #{@filename} encrypted to an empty file. Edit again (or exit)?") return false if tryagain exit(0) end if exitstatus != 0 proceed = read_input("Warning: gpg returned non-zero exit status #{exitstatus} when encrypting #{@filename}. Said:\n#{stderrtxt}\n#{statustxt}\n\nProceed (or try again)?") return false unless proceed end return true, outtxt end def determine_encryption_targets(content) targets = EncryptedFile.targets(content) if targets.size == 0 tryagain = read_input("Warning: Did not find targets to encrypt to in header. Try again (or exit)?", true) return false if tryagain exit(0) end ok, expanded = @groupconfig.expand_targets(targets) if (expanded.size == 0) tryagain = read_input("Errors in access header. Edit again (or exit)?", true) return false if tryagain exit(0) elsif (not ok) tryagain = read_input("Warnings in access header. Edit again (or continue)?", true) return false if tryagain end to_me = false GnuPG.get_my_fprs.each do |fpr| if expanded.include?(fpr) to_me = true break end end unless to_me tryagain = read_input("File is not being encrypted to you. Edit again (or continue)?", true) return false if tryagain end return true, expanded end def write_back(content, targets) ok, encrypted = encrypt(content, targets) return false unless ok File.open(@filename,"w").write(encrypted) return true end end class Ls def help(parser, code=0, io=STDOUT) io.puts "Usage: #{$program_name} ls [ ...]" io.puts parser.summarize io.puts "Lists the contents of the given directory/directories, or the current" io.puts "directory if none is given. For each file show whether it is PGP-encrypted" io.puts "file, and if yes whether we can read it." exit(code) end def ls_dir(dirname) begin dir = Dir.open(dirname) rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts e return end puts "#{dirname}:" Dir.chdir(dirname) do unless FileTest.exists?(".users") STDERR.puts "The .users file does not exists here. This is not a password store, is it?" exit(1) end dir.sort.each do |filename| next if (filename =~ /^\./) and not (@all >= 3) stat = File::Stat.new(filename) if stat.symlink? puts "(sym) #{filename}" if (@all >= 2) elsif stat.directory? puts "(dir) #{filename}" if (@all >= 2) elsif !stat.file? puts "(other) #{filename}" if (@all >= 2) else f = EncryptedFile.new(filename) if !f.accessible puts "(!perm) #{filename}" elsif !f.encrypted puts "(file) #{filename}" if (@all >= 2) elsif f.readable puts "(ok) #{filename}" else puts "(locked) #{filename}" if (@all >= 1) end end end end end def initialize() @all = 0 ARGV.options do |opts| opts.on_tail("-h", "--help" , "Display this help screen") { help(opts) } opts.on_tail("-a", "--all" , "Show all files (use up to 3 times to show even more than all)") { @all = @all+1 } opts.parse! end dirs = ARGV dirs.push('.') unless dirs.size > 0 dirs.each { |dir| ls_dir(dir) } end end class Ed def help(parser, code=0, io=STDOUT) io.puts "Usage: #{$program_name} ed " io.puts parser.summarize io.puts "Decrypts the file, spawns an editor, and encrypts it again" exit(code) end def edit(filename) encrypted_file = EncryptedFile.new(filename, @new) if !@new and !encrypted_file.readable && !@force STDERR.puts "#{filename} is probably not readable" exit(1) end encrypted_to = GnuPG.get_fprs_from_keyids(encrypted_file.readers).sort content = encrypted_file.decrypt original_content = content while true oldsize = content.length tempfile = Tempfile.open('pws') tempfile.puts content tempfile.flush system($editor, tempfile.path) status = $? throw "Process has not exited!?" unless status.exited? unless status.exitstatus == 0 proceed = read_input("Warning: Editor did not exit successfully (exit code #{status.exitstatus}. Proceed?") exit(0) unless proceed end # some editors do not write new content in place, but instead # make a new file and more it in the old file's place. begin reopened = File.open(tempfile.path, "r+") rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts e exit(1) end content = reopened.read # zero the file, well, both of them. newsize = content.length clearsize = (newsize > oldsize) ? newsize : oldsize [tempfile, reopened].each do |f| f.seek(0, IO::SEEK_SET) f.print "\0"*clearsize f.fsync end reopened.close tempfile.close(true) if content.length == 0 proceed = read_input("Warning: Content is now empty. Proceed?") exit(0) unless proceed end ok, targets = encrypted_file.determine_encryption_targets(content) next unless ok if (original_content == content) if (targets.sort == encrypted_to) proceed = read_input("Nothing changed. Re-encrypt anyway?", false) exit(0) unless proceed else STDERR.puts("Info: Content not changed but re-encrypting anyway because the list of keys changed") end end success = encrypted_file.write_back(content, targets) break if success end end def initialize() ARGV.options do |opts| opts.on_tail("-h", "--help" , "Display this help screen") { help(opts) } opts.on_tail("-n", "--new" , "Edit new file") { |new| @new=new } opts.on_tail("-f", "--force" , "Spawn an editor even if the file is probably not readable") { |force| @force=force } opts.parse! end help(ARGV.options, 1, STDERR) if ARGV.length != 1 filename = ARGV.shift if @new if FileTest.exists?(filename) STDERR.puts "#{filename} does exist" exit(1) end else if !FileTest.exists?(filename) STDERR.puts "#{filename} does not exist" exit(1) elsif !FileTest.file?(filename) STDERR.puts "#{filename} is not a regular file" exit(1) elsif !FileTest.readable?(filename) STDERR.puts "#{filename} is not accessible (unix perms)" exit(1) end end dirname = File.dirname(filename) basename = File.basename(filename) Dir.chdir(dirname) { edit(basename) } end end class Get def help(parser, code=0, io=STDOUT) io.puts "Usage: #{$program_name} get " io.puts parser.summarize io.puts "Decrypts the file, fetches a key and outputs it to stdout." io.puts "The file must be in YAML format." io.puts "ypath is an ypath query, typically something like host/users/root" exit(code) end def get(filename, what) encrypted_file = EncryptedFile.new(filename, @new) if !encrypted_file.readable STDERR.puts "#{filename} is probably not readable" exit(1) end begin yaml = YAML::parse(encrypted_file.decrypt) rescue ArgumentError => e STDERR.puts "Could not parse YAML: #{e.message}" exit(1) end hit = yaml.select(what)[0].transform if hit.nil? STDERR.puts("No such key or invalid YPath expression") elsif hit.respond_to?(:keys) puts "Keys:" puts hit.keys.join("\n") else puts hit end end def initialize() ARGV.options do |opts| opts.on_tail("-h", "--help" , "Display this help screen") { help(opts) } opts.parse! end help(ARGV.options, 1, STDERR) if ARGV.length != 2 filename = ARGV.shift what = ARGV.shift if !FileTest.exists?(filename) STDERR.puts "#{filename} does not exist" exit(1) elsif !FileTest.file?(filename) STDERR.puts "#{filename} is not a regular file" exit(1) elsif !FileTest.readable?(filename) STDERR.puts "#{filename} is not accessible (unix perms)" exit(1) end dirname = File.dirname(filename) basename = File.basename(filename) Dir.chdir(dirname) { get(basename, what) } end end class KeyringUpdater def help(parser, code=0, io=STDOUT) io.puts "Usage: #{$program_name} update-keyring []" io.puts parser.summarize io.puts "Updates the local .keyring file" exit(code) end def initialize() ARGV.options do |opts| opts.on_tail("-h", "--help" , "Display this help screen") { help(opts) } opts.parse! end help(ARGV.options, 1, STDERR) if ARGV.length > 1 keyserver = ARGV.shift keyserver = 'keys.gnupg.net' unless keyserver groupconfig = GroupConfig.new users = groupconfig.get_users() args = %w{--with-colons --no-options --no-default-keyring --keyring=./.keyring} system('touch', '.keyring') users.each_pair() do |uid, keyid| cmd = args.clone() cmd << "--keyserver=#{keyserver}" cmd << "--recv-keys" cmd << keyid puts "Fetching key for #{uid}" (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt) = GnuPG.gpgcall('', cmd) unless (statustxt =~ /^\[GNUPG:\] IMPORT_OK /) STDERR.puts "Warning: did not find IMPORT_OK token in status output" STDERR.puts "gpg exited with exit code #{ecode})" STDERR.puts "Command was gpg #{cmd.join(' ')}" STDERR.puts "stdout was #{outtxt}" STDERR.puts "stderr was #{stderrtxt}" STDERR.puts "statustxt was #{statustxt}" end cmd = args.clone() cmd << '--batch' << '--edit' << keyid << 'minimize' << 'save' (outtxt, stderrtxt, statustxt, ecode) = GnuPG.gpgcall('', cmd) end end end def help(code=0, io=STDOUT) io.puts "Usage: #{$program_name} ed" io.puts " #{$program_name} ls" io.puts " #{$program_name} update-keyring" io.puts " #{$program_name} help" io.puts "Call #{$program_name} --help for additional options/parameters" exit(code) end def parse_command case ARGV.shift when 'ls' then Ls.new when 'ed' then Ed.new when 'get' then Get.new when 'update-keyring' then KeyringUpdater.new when 'help' then case ARGV.length when 0 then help when 1 then ARGV.push "--help" parse_command else help(1, STDERR) end else help(1, STDERR) end end parse_command # vim:set shiftwidth=2: # vim:set et: # vim:set ts=2: