2007-11-01 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m ([SOGoAppointmentObject -deleteWithBaseSequence:]): an email was sent when modifying an event, when the event was considered relevant. The same thing is now implemented for event deletion. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m ([AgenorUserDefaults -primaryFetchProfile]): make sure that the deserialized "values" is an instance of NSMutableDictionary, otherwise we override it with one. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject+Draft.m ([SOGoMailObject -contentForReply]): make use of the SOGoMailReply WO page. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailReply.[hm]: new class module copied from SOGoMailForward to handle mail replies instead. Only three methods remaining: date, from and messageBody. The latter is quoted properly. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([SOGoDraftObject -fetchMailForForwarding:sourceMail]): fetch attachments for forwarded messages. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -hasMessageAttachment]): initialize hasAttachment with "NO" to avoid false positives. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromEvent:_event]) ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromTodo:_task]): set title to an empty string where the event/task summary is null. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([SOGoDraftObject -setHeaders:newHeaders]): make sure there is a message id in the headers dictionary, if not, generate one. ([SOGoDraftObject -fetchMailForEditing:sourceMail]): retrieve the message id from the existing draft. ([SOGoDraftObject -mimeHeaderMapWithHeaders:_headers]): store the message id in the header map. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -deleteFolderAction]): no longer prefix the target folder with "folder". * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountActions.m ([UIxMailAccountActions -listMailboxesAction]): base the folder type on the folder traversal path. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -lookupName:_keyinContext:acquire:_acquire]): compare the full traversal to the potential looked up folder with the special folder names and return an object with the appropriate SOGoMailFolder subclass. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBaseObject.m ([SOGoMailBaseObject -traversalFromMailAccount]): don't prepend the whole string with "/". * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([-lookupSentFolder:_keyinContext:_ctx]) ([-lookupDraftsFolder:_keyinContext:_ctx]) ([-lookupTrashFolder:_keyinContext:_ctx]) ([-lookupFiltersFolder:_key:_ctx]): removed methods. ([SOGoMailAccount -inboxFolderNameInContext:]) ([SOGoMailAccount -draftsFolderNameInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -sentFolderNameInContext:]) ([SOGoMailAccount -trashFolderNameInContext:]): no longer prefixes the resulting name with "prefix" since we might return a nested foldername. ([SOGoMailAccount -allFolderPaths]): prefixes all special folder names with "/". Sorts the resulting folder list with localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: instead of caseInsensitiveCompare:. No longer use the -[lookupXXX] methods that were removed, instead, we choose the appropriate class depending on the folder name. And since we are in SOGoMailAccount, we don't have to compute a traversal path to match the key with the foldernames. ([SOGoMailAccount -folderWithTraversal:traversalandClassName:className]): new method that returns an instance of the specified SOGoMailFolder subclass, based on the traversal path passed as parameter. ([SOGoMailAccount -inboxFolderInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -draftsFolderInContext:_ctx]) ([-sentFolderInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -trashFolderInContext:_ctx]): invoke the new -folderWithTraversal:andClassName: method described above. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m ([AgenorUserDefaults -primaryFetchProfile]): make use of -[NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:mutabilityOption:format:errorDescription:] to deserialize the plist. Removed variant for libFoundation since it should support the above. ([AgenorUserDefaults -generateSQLForInsert]) ([AgenorUserDefaults -generateSQLForUpdate]): make use of -[NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:format:errorDescription:] to serialize the plist. Removed variant for libFoundation since it should support the above. Escape the backslashes from the resulting string. 2007-10-31 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.[hm]: added a new subclass of SOGoMailFolder: SOGoMailSpecialFolder. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -traversalFromMailAccount]): overridden method that returns the initialized mutable string. ([SOGoMailAccount -allFolderPaths]): take the special folder paths with -traversalFromMailAccount and reposition them at the beginning of the list. By creating the special folders during that request, we also make sure that the folder exists thanks to the new initialisation method of the new "SOGoSpecialMailFolder" class. ([SOGoMailAccount -lookupSentFolder:_keyinContext:_ctx]): new method. ([SOGoMailAccount -lookupTrashFolder:_keyinContext:_ctx]): new method. ([SOGoMailAccount -lookupName:_keyinContext:acquire:_flag]): no longer use lookupImap4Folder. ([SOGoMailAccount -lookupImap4Folder:_keyinContext:_ctx]): removed method. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBaseObject.m ([SOGoMailBaseObject -traversalFromMailAccount]): new method that returns the full IMAP4 path to the object. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser +initialize]): retain "superUsernames" after fetching it from the ud. 2007-10-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalListingActions.m ([UIxCalListingActions -eventsListAction]): substitude the start and end date with their UTC counterpart, taking into account the offset from UTC related to those dates instead of the current one. This renders -[UIxCalMainView -userUTCOffset] obsolete because the computings that occured in javascript are now done server-side. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.m ([UIxCalMainView -userUTCOffset]): removed obsolete method. * SoObjects/Mailer/NSString+Mail.m ([NSString -htmlToText]): new method converting html content to plain text. * SoObjects/Mailer/NSString+Mail.[hm]: new category module enhancing NSString with utility methods pertaining to mail handling. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([-shouldFetchPartOfType:_typesubtype:_subtype]): removed obsolete method. ([SOGoMailObject -addRequiredKeysOfStructure:infopath:ptoArray:keysacceptedTypes:types]): modified method to be always recursive and to take an array of the accepted mime-types as parameter. The returned array now contains the mime-type as well as the part keys. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject+Draft.m ([SOGoMailObject -contentForEditingOnParts:_prtskeys:_k]): removed obsolete method. ([SOGoMailObject -contentForEditing]): rewrote method to take into account the first text/plain part or the first text/html part converted to text/plain with our new -[NSString htmlToText] category method. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailActions.m ([-replyToAllAction]): invoke "replyToAll:" with YES as parameter instead of NO. 2007-10-29 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBodyPart.m ([SOGoMailBodyPart -davContentType]): ignore any possible parameter taken from the mime-info of the body part. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -lastFirstMessageNumber]): new accessor that returns the first message number of the last series of messages. ([UIxMailListView -fetchKeys]): request the bodystructure for each listed message. ([UIxMailListView -hasMessageAttachment]): extract the attachment information from the message bodystructure. 2007-10-26 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBodyPart.m ([SOGoMailBodyPart -GETAction:]): use the "application/octet-stream" mime type for elements of type "application/x-xpinstall" to avoid confusing Firefox. * UI/PreferencesUI/UIxPreferences.m ([UIxPreferences -messageCheckList]) ([UIxPreferences -itemMessageCheckText]) ([UIxPreferences -userMessageCheck]) ([UIxPreferences -setUserMessageCheck:newMessageCheck]): new methods for handling the retrieval of new messages automatically. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -messageCheck]): new method that returns the interval of time between automatic message retrievals. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -defaultAction]): now expunges the last folder marked for expunge. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -trashInContext:_ctx]): now marks the container folder for expunge. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -markForExpunge]): new method that marks the folder for the next automatic expunge operation in the user settings. ([SOGoMailFolder -expungeLastMarkedFolder]): new methods that takes the last folder marked for expunge, expunges it and removes it from the user settings, if it exists. 2007-10-25 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -messageSubjectCellStyleClass]): added support for replied, forwarded, forwarded and replied mails. * SoObjects/Mailer/NSData+Mail.m ([NSData -bodyDataFromEncoding:encoding]): new utility method that decodes the NSData instance properly depending on the encoding string passed as parameter. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject+Draft.m ([SOGoMailObject -fetchFileAttachmentKeys]): fetch the attachment encoding as well. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -stringForData:_datapartInfo:_info]): simplified by invoking -bodyDataFromEncoding: from our new NSData category methods. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([SOGoDraftObject -fetchMailForEditing:sourceMail]): work-around a bug in SOPE-mime where only the body part of the first of the keys fetched was returned. Also decodes the body parts properly following their encoding. * SoObjects/Mailer/NSData+Mail.[hm]: new extension module that extends the NSData class with utility methods useful for handling mail. 2007-10-23 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.m ([NSArray -stringsWithFormat:format]): replace instances of NSNull with empty strings. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.m ([NSDictionary -keysWithFormat:keyFormat]): replace instances of NSNull with empty strings. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m: if "displayName" is empty, use "c_cn" instead. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -inboxFolderInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -draftsFolderInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -sentFolderInContext:_ctx]): no longer make use of the "SOGoSpecialFoldersInRoot" user defaults. The folders will no always be specified from the root instead of sometimes from the INBOX. 2007-10-22 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -commonLocalizableStrings]) ([UIxPageFrame -productLocalizableStrings]): invoke the new +[SOGoUser language] method if the user is nil. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser +language]): new method that returns any generically-found language. ([SoUser -language]): modified to call the above. ([SOGoUser -language]): modified to call the above if the user language has a null length. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDIFEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDIFEntry -davEntityTag]): modified to return the "hash" of the vCard string. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailActions.m ([UIxMailActions -removeAllLabelsAction]): new method that removes all label flags from the associated message. ([UIxMailActions -addLabel1Action] [UIxMailActions -addLabel2Action] [UIxMailActions -addLabel3Action [UIxMailActions -addLabel4Action] [UIxMailActions -addLabel5Action]): new methods that adds label flags to the associated message. ([UIxMailActions -removeLabel1Action] [UIxMailActions -removeLabel2Action] [UIxMailActions -removeLabel3Action [UIxMailActions -removeLabel4Action] [UIxMailActions -removeLabel5Action]): new methods that removes label flags from the associated message. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -msgLabels]): new accessor that returns the labels associated with the message. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -allFolderPaths]): new method that returns all the paths of all the subfolders of the folder object. ([SOGoMailFolder -allFolderURLs]): new method replacing subfoldersURL. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([SOGoContentObject -aclsForUser:uid]): object inherits the 'SOGoRole_ObjectEditor' role from its parent folder. 2007-10-19 Francis Lachapelle * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -rolesForObject:objectinContext:context]): allow multiple super usernames to be defined. The user default SOGoSuperUsername is renamed SOGoSuperUsernames and must be an array. 2007-10-18 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoWebAuthenticator.m ([SOGoWebAuthenticator -userInContext:]): override the super method by returning anonymous if the super returns nil. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -productLocalizableStrings]): new method that returns the product-specific translation dictionary as a JSON hash. ([UIxPageFrame -commonLocalizableStrings]): same as above but for the "Common" framework. ([UIxPageFrame -setJsFiles:newJSFiles]): new setter that enables the requestor components to require additional Javascript files. This is useful now that all the scripts are loaded at the end of the HTML code. ([UIxPageFrame -additionalJSFiles]): new getter related to the above. 2007-10-17 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailActions.m ([UIxMailActions -copyAction]): implemented new web method. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -copyToFolderNamed:folderNameinContext:]): new method with the code cut/pasted from -moveToFolderNamed:inContext:. ([SOGoMailObject -moveToFolderNamed:folderNameinContext:]): modified to use the code from -copyToFolderNamed:inContext:, which is common between the two actions. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -draftsFolderNameInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -sentFolderNameInContext:]) ([SOGoMailAccount -trashFolderNameInContext:]): modified to take the user settings into account. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -setAsDraftsFolderAction]) ([UIxMailFolderActions -setAsSentFolderAction]) ([UIxMailFolderActions -setAsTrashFolderAction]): new web methods that change the purpose of the active folder to "Sent", "Drafts" or "Trash". * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoACLAdvisory.m ([SOGoACLAdvisory -subject]): returns the subject as quoted-printable. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoACLAdvisory.[hm]: added two intermediary classes: SOGoACLAdditionAdvisory and SOGoACLRemovalAdvisory implementing the "aclMethod" method for the subsequent language-dependent subclasses. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoFolderAdvisory.m ([SOGoFolderAdvisory -subject]): returns the subject as quoted-printable. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -dealloc]): release item, aptStartDate and aptEndDate. 2007-10-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -initWithName:newNameinContainer:newContainer]): the owner of a shared folder is set to "nobody" by default. * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.m ([UIxAclEditor -hasOwner]): new method that returns whether the object has an owner or not. 2007-10-15 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -ocsFolder]): create the folder even if the current user is not its owner. 2007-10-10 Ludovic Marcotte * We now send advisory emails when folders are created / deleted. * Fixed the sending of advisory emails upon ACL changes on folders. 2007-10-10 Ludovic Marcotte * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m Implemented event/task priority support. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m Added CardDAV support. * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPUserManager.m and SOGoUser.m Implemented From: based on LDAP results based on the MailFieldNames attribute (an array) specified in every LDAP-based authentication sources. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartTextViewer.m and UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.css We avoid replacing "\r\n" and "\n" with
and rather use CSS capabilities for proper formatting. This is _WAY_ faster on very large mails. 2007-10-10 Francis Lachapelle * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -componentCalendar]): returns the calendar object of the current event. 2007-10-05 Ludovic Marcotte * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js We check if at least one message is selected before performing a Reply/Reply All/Forward * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m and others - implemented support for recurring events (with some known limitations right now, all soon to be fixed). 2007-10-04 Francis Lachapelle * Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo -isUserName:_keyinContext:_ctx]): removed the constraint that a username can't start with a digit. 2007-10-02 Francis Lachapelle * Moved SOPE/sope-gdl1/GDLContentStore from the default trunk repository to Inverse's branch. 2007-09-28 Francis Lachapelle * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([SOGoDraftObject -isValidAttachmentName:_name]): removed constraint on space in file name. ([SOGoDraftObject -saveAttachment:_attachwithMetadata:metadata]): now removes from file name all characters preceding a backslash. This happens with IE7 because the complete attachment file path is sent. 2007-09-25 Francis Lachapelle * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAptMailNotification.m ([SOGoAptMailNotification -appointmentURL]): set personal as the default calendar where to add the event. * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage +initialize]): activate the SOGoUIxDefaultModule user defaults. 2007-09-21 Francis Lachapelle * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -shortUserNameForDisplay]): returns the string "wrongusernamepassword" when authentication failed. 2007-09-17 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartICalViewer.m ([UIxMailPartICalViewer -calendarFolder]): returns the "personal" entry of the Calendars parent folder. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -messageSubject]): new accessor method to work-around a problem within SOPE where a subject could be returned as an NSData. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoParentFolder.m ([SOGoParentFolder -appendPersonalSources]): make sure the value of the "c_path4" of the returned rows are not NSNull, otherwise, discard them. 2007-09-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -compare:otherFolder]): new overriden method that compares two contact foldes based on their class and then transfer the control to the super method in SOGoFolder. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -compare:otherFolder]): new method that compare two contact folders based on their class and then their display name. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -compare:otherFolder]): new method for sorting folders. The folders are compared based on their ownership, whether they are a main folder and finally depending on their display name. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -pathArrayToSOGoObject]): do not reorder the paths if the third element is an instance of NSNull. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoParentFolder.m ([SOGoParentFolder -subFolders]): returns a sorted array using the "compare:" selector. 2007-09-14 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalendarSelector.m ([UIxCalendarSelector -calendars]): also returns the owner of the listed folders. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([-deleteEntriesWithIds:ids]): moved method into SOGoFolder. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.m ([-batchDeleteAction]): moved method into UIxFolderActions. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoFreeBusyObject.m ([SOGoFreeBusyObject -fetchFreeBusyInfosFrom:_startDateto:_endDate]): fetch the freebusy info from the "personal" calendar. * UI/Common/UIxParentFolderActions.m ([UIxParentFolderActions -createFolderAction]): new standardized method for requesting folder creations among gcs-based modules. * UI/Common/UIxParentFolderActions.[hm]: new action class module. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolders.m: new class module, equivalent to the SOGoParentFolder's child SOGoContactFolders, but for calendars. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -labelForKey:key]): new method that returns translated strings for controller bundles (same as what UIxComponent does for view bundles). ([SOGoObject -pathArrayToSOGoObject]): new method that returns the real path to a subscribed folder (if subscribed). ([SOGoObject +globallyUniqueObjectId]): move method from SOGoFolder. ([SOGoObject -globallyUniqueObjectId]): new instance method calling its class equivalent. 2007-09-12 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MainUI/SOGoRootPage.m ([SOGoRootPage -defaultAction]): test whether the user is logged in and if so, redirect to his/her homepage. ([SOGoRootPage -appendToResponse:inContext:]): removed useless method. 2007-09-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder +folderWithName:aNameandDisplayName:aDisplayNameinContainer:aContainer]): new method. ([SOGoFolder -displayName]): new method. ([SOGoFolder -delete]): accept to proceed only if nameInContainer != "personal". * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder +folderWithName:aNameandDisplayName:aDisplayNameinContainer:aContainer]): renamed from "contactFolderWithName..." for compatibility with SOGoFolder. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder +contactFolderWithName:aNameandDisplayName:aDisplayNameinContainer:aContainer]): removed method, reimplemented in SOGoFolder. ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -displayName]): removed method, reimplemented in SOGoFolder. ([-delete]): removed method, modified in SOGoFolder. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.[hm]: modified class to be a subclass of SOGoParentFolder. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoParentFolder.[hm]: new class module derived from SOGoContactFolders and modified to be more content-independent. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailActions.m ([UIxMailActions -markMessageUnreadAction]) ([UIxMailActions -markMessageReadAction]): new methods moved from UIxMailListView and adapted to invoke the client object directly, since the previous versions had to to a lookup from the parent SOGoMailFolder. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([-markMessageUnreadAction]): move method into UIxMailActions. ([-markMessageReadAction]): same as above. ([-viewAction]): removed useless method. ([-javaScriptOK]): removed useless method. ([-isJavaScriptRequest]): removed useless method. ([-lookupActiveMessage]): removed useless method. * UI/Common/WODirectAction+SOGo.m ([WODirectAction -responseWithStatus:status]): new method that returns a WOResponse initialized with the specified status code. ([WODirectAction -responseWith204]): new method that invokes the above one with "204" as parameter. ([WODirectAction -redirectToLocation:newLocation]): rewrote method to make use of -responseWithStatus:. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -responseWith204]): new method that returns a WOResponse initialized with the 204 status code. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -sortedUIDs]): always use a "not deleted" search qualifier along with the user qualifier (if present). 2007-09-10 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -contactSearchAction]): only return the records which have an email set. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -trashInContext:_ctx]): no longer expunge the mailbox after marking a message deleted. ([SOGoMailObject -moveToFolderNamed:folderNameinContext:]): same as above. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailView.m ([-deleteAction]): removed method. ([-trashAction]): moved method into UIxMailActions. ([-moveAction]): moved method into UIxMailActions. 2007-09-07 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartHTMLViewer.m ([_UIxHTMLMailContentHandler -endElement:_localNamenamespace:_nsrawName:_rawName]): remove HTML comments from the CSS code, do not add the CSS code to the body content and remove references of body from the CSS declarations. ([UIxMailPartHTMLViewer -cssContent]): new accessor method. ([UIxMailPartHTMLViewer -flatContentAsString]): separated code common with cssContent in a different method and invoke it only once. * UI/MainUI/SOGoRootPage.[hm]: made a subclass of UIxComponent instead of UIxPageFrame. 2007-09-06 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MainUI/SOGoRootPage.m ([-defaultAction]): commented out. ([-appendToResponse:responseinContext:ctx]): commented out. ([SOGoRootPage -connectURL]): new accessor that returns the full url the the "connect" method. ([-connectAction]): rewrote method to return a properly formatted auth. cookie based on the username and password passed as parameter. * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage -logoffAction]): set the value of the cookie to "discard" and set its expiration date to yesterday. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoWebAuthenticator.m ([SOGoWebAuthenticator -preprocessCredentialsInContext:context]): consider the user anonymous if the cookie value is "discard". ([SOGoWebAuthenticator -setupAuthFailResponse:responsewithReason:reasoninContext:context]): set the expiration date of the cookie to yesterday. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -applicationPath]): returns the path to the application if the clientObject is not a SOGoObject. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m ([SOGoUserFolder +initialize]): moved the requirement of authentication from the SOGo application class to here. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m ([SOGoAppointmentObject -saveContentString:_iCalbaseSequence:_v]): check whether the new appointment object is still relevant before sending a notification. 2007-09-05 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoWebAuthenticator.m ([SOGoWebAuthenticator -setupAuthFailResponse:responsewithReason:reasoninContext:context]): render the login page through the SoDefaultRenderer. * UI/MainUI/SOGoRootPage.m ([SOGoRootPage -isPublicInContext:localContext]): new overriden method that returns YES. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalendarSelector.m ([UIxCalendarSelector -currentCalendarLogin]): replace css-unsafe characters with _. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -shortUserNameForDisplay]): simplified method. ([-user]): removed method since [context activeUser] is as useful. 2007-09-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage -logoffAction]): set the cookie path to "/". * Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo -authenticatorInContext:_ctx]): choose the authenticator based on the request handler key. "dav" returns the SOGoDAVAuthenticator, anything else returns the Web authenticator. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoDAVAuthenticator.m: renamed module from "SOGoAuthenticator". * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoWebAuthenticator.m: new class module implementing a subclass of SoCookieAuthenticator, designed for web-based cookie authentication of users.m * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage -logoffAction]): new method that resets the authentification cookie. 2007-08-29 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSource.m ([LDAPSource -checkLogin:loginToCheckandPassword:passwordToCheck]): initialize didBind to NO to make sure no false authentication is returned if the bind operation is not executed. 2007-08-28 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m: added support for the "In-Reply-To" header field when replying. * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m: add the "c_" prefix to the quick table field names that are queried. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoFreeBusyObject.m ([SOGoFreeBusyObject -iCalStringForFreeBusyInfos:_infosfrom:_startDateto:_endDate]): add the "c_" prefix to the quick table field names that are queried. 2007-08-24 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -lookupCalendarFolderForUID:uid]): add "personal" to the ocs path of the appointment folder. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartViewer.m ([UIxMailPartViewer -flatContentAsString]): use latin1 when the encoding is not specified, and to reencode data chunk which were not correctly decoded with the original charset. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -aclUsersForObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]) ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -aclsForUser:uidforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]) ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -setRoles:rolesforUser:uidforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]) ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -removeAclsForUsers:usersforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): override those methods to use the "personal" additional directory. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m ([-ocsPrivateCalendarPath]): append "/personal" to the calendar path to simulate a single calendar in a choice of many. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -lookupName:_keyinContext:acquire:_acquire]): moved the lookup methods back here. Moved the folder existence check here, and do it on self only when the lookup happens for a non-folder object. This permits to accept entries for folders with parents who don't really exist. 2007-08-23 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m ([UIxTaskEditor -shouldTakeValuesFromRequest:requestinContext:context]): same as below. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -shouldTakeValuesFromRequest:requestinContext:context]): redesigned method since any method called can be received from a POST or a GET. Instead we check the method call itself and we accept only if it has the "save" prefix. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAptMailNotification.m ([SOGoAptMailNotification -getSubject]): returns the subject an a quoted-printable encoded string, if needed. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([NSString -asQPSubjectString:encoding]): moved method into NSString+Utilities.m. 2007-08-22 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/PreferencesUI/UIxPreferences.m ([UIxPreferences -messageForwardingList]) ([UIxPreferences -itemMessageForwardingText])D ([UIxPreferences -userMessageForwarding]) ([UIxPreferences -setUserMessageForwarding:newMessageForwarding]): new template methods for manage the user preference regarding message forwarding. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -language]): change the algorithm to return, in order, the user's defined language or the first browser language or, finally, the default language. ([SOGoUser -messageForwarding]): new method that returns the user preference for message forwarding: "inline" or "attached", defaulting to "attached". * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject+Draft.m ([SOGoMailObject -contentForInlineForward]): new method that returns the content of the message for inline forwarding based on the SOGoMailForward templates. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([SOGoDraftObject -fetchMailForForwarding:sourceMail]): check the user preference for message forwarding and compose inline forwarded messages if required. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed:_pageNameforOldObject:_oldObjectandNewObject:_newObjecttoAttendees:_attendees]): now use a template based on the language returned from the SOGoUser object. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailEnglishForward.m: new module containing a subclass of SOGoMailForward for English locale. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFrenchForward.m: new module containing a subclass of SOGoMailForward for French locale. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailForward.[hm]: new module class that helps build template for inline forwarded messages. 2007-08-21 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/SOGoElements/SOGoIEConditional.m: new extension module class to handle "" template tags. * UI/SOGoElements: new extension bundle containing sogo-specific dynamic elements. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -takeValuesFromRequest:_rqinContext:_ctx]): save the category selected in the dialog. ([UIxComponentEditor -setComponent:newComponent]): retrieve the first category, if ever, of the calendar entity. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.m ([UIxMailMainFrame -composeAction]): restored method since it is needed by the address book. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountActions.m ([UIxMailAccountActions -composeAction]): the address fields should be arrays and not simple strings. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -buildDate]): new method that returns the build date of SOGo in the template. 2007-08-20 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -_flattenedRecords:records]): when the c_cn field is empty, returns set a formatted string with the concatenation of c_givenname and c_sn as the displayName. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccounts.m ([SOGoMailAccounts -isValidMailAccountName:_key]): prevent unknown accounts from being accessed. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartViewer.m ([UIxMailPartViewer -pathToAttachmentObject]): we no longer need the filename extension for SoLookup... * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBodyPart.m ([SOGoMailBodyPart -lookupName:_keyinContext:_ctxacquire:_flag]): do not require the filename to have an extension, and thus accept any filename. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([UIxContactsListView -currentCName]): new method that returns the c_name of the contact, correctly escaped to be passed by url afterwards. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartHTMLViewer.m ([UIxMailPartHTMLViewer -flatContentAsString]): pass the NSData instance of [self decodedFlatContent] instead of the buggy NSString from [super flatContentAsString] to the parser. 2007-08-18 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailActions.m ([UIxMailActions -deleteAction]): new category method to reponds to the "delete" web command on drafts. ([UIxMailActions -deleteAttachmentAction]): new category method to reponds to the "deleteAttachment" web command on drafts, taking the "filename" url parameter into account. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject+Draft.m ([SOGoMailObject -contentForEditing]): new method that retrieve the editable mail content. ([SOGoMailObject -fetchFileAttachmentKeys]): new method that returns the body keys for attached files (parts with a "filename" attribute). * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([NSString -asQPSubjectString:encoding]): do not change the string if the encoded string has the same length (which means it is already 7bit-safe). ([SOGoDraftObject -fetchMailForEditing:sourceMail]): new method that retrieve a draft along with its attachments for editing. ([SOGoDraftObject -mimeHeaderMapWithHeaders:_headers]): no longer choke if the "to" header field is empty. ([SOGoDraftObject -delete]): new method to delete the draft folder whenever operations are done. 2007-08-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailEditor.m ([-patchFlagsInStore]): removed useless stub method, of which the intention was implemented in SOGoDraftObject. ([-lookupSentFolderUsingAccount]): removed obsolete method. ([-selectedMailIdentity]): removed obsolete method. ([-lookupSentFolderUsingFrom]): removed obsolete method. ([-storeMailInSentFolder:_path]): removed obsolete method, of which the mechanism has been put in -[SOGoDraftObject sendMail] method. ([UIxMailEditor -_saveFormInfo], [UIxMailEditor -defaultAction]) ([UIxMailEditor -saveAction], [UIxMailEditor -sendAction]): adapted algorithms to the new SOGoDraftObject methods. ([-deleteAction]): removed method since local draft objects cannot be removed by the user. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -expungeAction]): new method replacing the one previously found in UIxMailListView. ([UIxMailFolderActions -createFolderAction]) ([UIxMailFolderActions -renameFolderAction]) ([UIxMailFolderActions -deleteFolderAction]) ([UIxMailFolderActions -emptyTrashAction]) ([UIxMailFolderActions -subscribeAction]) ([UIxMailFolderActions -unsubscribeAction]): error situations should have http return code 500 instead of 403. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountActions.m ([UIxMailAccountActions -composeAction]): new method replacing the one previously in UIxMailMainFrame. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -imap4URLString]): removed overriden method (see below). * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -aclUsers]): cache the mailbox acl. ([SOGoMailFolder -aclsForUser:uid]): cache the mailbox acl. ([SOGoMailFolder -setRoles:rolesforUser:uid]): reset the mailbox acl cache. ([SOGoMailFolder -httpURLForAdvisoryToUser:uid]): modified to use the new method of determining the users mail accounts. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBaseObject.m ([-imap4URLString]): no longer adds a "/" at the end of the string (the default for folders), therefore this will be overriden in SOGoMailFolder rather than in SOGoMailObject. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([-expungeAction]): removed method, moved into the new UIxMailActions module class. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftsFolder.m ([SOGoDraftsFolder -newDraft]): new method that returns a new SOGoDraftObject instance with a unique filename based on the current timestamp and the "newDraft" prefix. ([SOGoDraftsFolder -lookupName:nameinContext:localContextacquire:acquire]): overriden method by detecting local drafts with their "newDraft" prefix. ([SOGoDraftsFolder -isInDraftsFolder]): returns YES. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftsFolder.[hm]: rewrote class module from scratch by making it a subclass of SOGoMailFolder. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailReplyAction.m: removed obsolete class module. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailForwardAction.m: removed obsolete class module. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailEditorAction.[hm]: removed obsolete class module. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([SOGoDraftObject -init]): new method, initializing the new ivars: IMAP4ID, headers, text, sourceURL and sourceFlag. ([-spoolFileManager], [SOGoDraftObject -userSpoolFolderPath]) ([-_ensureUserSpoolFolderPath]) ([-saveMimeMessageToTemporaryFileWithHeaders:]) ([SOGoDraftObject -mimeMessageWithHeaders:_headers]) ([-deleteTemporaryMessageFile:], [-delete], [-content]) ([-GETAction:_ctx], [-DELETEAction:_ctx], [-fetchParts:]) ([-uid], [-flags], [-size], [-envelope]): removed methods. ([SOGoDraftObject -storeInfo]): rewrote method to take the new ivars into account. ([SOGoDraftObject -setSourceURL:newSourceURL]) ([SOGoDraftObject -setSourceFlag:newSourceFlag]): new accessor methods to store the url of the original message between accesses so that, depending on the action taken (forward or reply), the correct flag can be given. ([SOGoDraftObject -setIMAP4ID:]): new accessor method that sets the imap4 id that is returned for the message whenever it is saved into the drafts folder. ([SOGoDraftObject -save]): new method that takes in charge the saving of the message in the IMAP drafts folder. ([SOGoDraftObject -fetchMailForReplying:sourceMailtoAll:toAll]): new method that fills the original data of the new message with the reply content of the original message. ([SOGoDraftObject -fetchMailForForwarding:sourceMail]): same as above for message forwarding. ([-spoolFileManager]): removed useless method (only returned the default filemanager...) ([SOGoDraftObject -mimeMessageAsData]): new method that returns the resulting message as an NSData chunk. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject+Draft.m: new extension module containing a rewrite of the mail action methods found in UI/Mailer/, that needed to be put in the SOGoMailObject class. ([SOGoMailObject -subjectForReply]): new method that returns a subject suitable for replies. ([SOGoMailObject -contentForReply]): new method that returns the textual content of an email, quoted for replying. ([SOGoMailObject -filenameForForward]): new method that returns the name of the filename that should contain the forwarded message, based on its subject. ([SOGoMailObject -subjectForForward]): explicit. 2007-08-15 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.m ([UIxMailMainFrame -mailAccounts]): rewrote method to return the name of the mail accounts now available with the -[SOGoUser mailAccounts] method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -showLinkBanner]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -bannerToolbarStyle]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -bannerConsumeStyle]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -rootURL]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -userRootURL]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -calendarRootURL]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -contactsRootURL]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -hasErrorText]) ([UIxMailMainFrame -errorText]) ([UIxMailMainFrame -errorAlertJavaScript]): removed methods. ([-composeAction]): removed method. Now provided by UIxMailAccountActions. ([UIxMailMainFrame -setHideFolderTree:_flag]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -hideFolderTree]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame -treeRootClassName]): removed method. ([UIxMailMainFrame +initialize]): removed method. SOGoMailTreeRootClass userdefaults will no longer have any effect. * UI/Common/WODirectAction+SOGo.m ([WODirectAction -redirectToLocation:newLocation]): new method that implements the same functionality as WOComponent. * UI/Common/WODirectAction+SOGo.[hm]: new class extension module. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailView.m ([UIxMailView -mailIsDraft]): new method that returns whether the current mail is store in the drafts folder hierarchy. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([-fullEmail]): removed method. ([-primaryEmail]): removed method. ([SOGoUser -primaryIMAP4AccountString]): removed method. ([SOGoUser -mailAccounts]): new method that returns an array containing description dictionaries for all the user mail accounts. Each account also contain the user's identities for that account. ([SOGoUser -allIdentities]): new utility method that returns all the user identities on all accounts. ([SOGoUser -primaryIdentity]): new method return the first identity of the first account. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -httpURLForAdvisoryToUser:uid]): * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -isInDraftsFolder]): returns NO. ([-preferredIdentity]): removed method, replaced with -[SOGoUser primaryIdentity]. ([SOGoMailAccount -draftsFolderInContext:_ctx]): new method. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBaseObject.m ([SOGoMailBaseObject -isInDraftsFolder]): new method that detects if self is contained by the drafts folder by calling itself on the container object. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccounts.m ([-fetchAllIdentities]): removed method. ([-fetchIdentitiesWithEmitterPermissions]): removed method. ([SOGoMailAccounts -toManyRelationshipKeys]): rewrote method to return the name of the mail accounts now available with the -[SOGoUser mailAccounts] method. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoUser+Mail.[hm]: removed useless class extension module. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailIdentity.[hm]: removed useless class module. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.m ([NSArray -keysWithFormat:format]): method that forward the method of the same name to each member of the array, considering they all are instances of NSDictionary. ([NSArray -objectsForKey:key]): same principle as above. ([NSArray -flattenedArray]): new method that transforms an array of arrays into a single array containing all the elements of the subarrays. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.m ([NSDictionary -keysWithFormat:keyFormat]): new method inspired by the python string formatting system and which replaces occurences of "%{key}" by the corresponding keys. 2007-08-13 Wolfgang Sourdeau * Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo -run]): check for channel-type specific sql script before the generic one when initializing mandatory system tables. 2007-08-09 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+Utilities.m ([NSString -pureEMailAddress]): new utility method inspired by the "_rawSender" private method in SOGoDraftObject, which it now replaces. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoMailer.m: new abstraction class module that provides a common API for sending emails, no matter what the transport is. 2007-08-08 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -quotasAction]): invoke "relativeImap4Name" instead of "nameInContainer" since the latter also returns the "folder" prefix. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountActions.m ([UIxMailAccountActions -listMailboxesAction]): declare the output as text/plain in UTF-8. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -deleteFolderAction]): fixed the url of the destination folder. * Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo +initialize]): show the build date and hostname at startup. 2007-08-07 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed:_pageNameforOldObject:_oldObjectandNewObject:_newObjecttoAttendees:_attendees]): set the mail date to the current date string returned by our rfc822DateString extension method. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -_gcsFoldersFromFolder:): ignore the personal folders who are returned but don't really exist. 2007-08-02 Francis Lachapelle * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView _responseForResults:]): has to return only one element. 2007-08-01 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartViewer.m ([UIxMailPartViewer -content]): new method returning the decoded content of the corresponding attachment as an NSData instance. ([UIxMailPartViewer -filename]): if the "filename" parameter of the metadata parameterList is empty, try to find out the filename from the "disposition" metadata returned with the BODYSTRUCTURE imap4 tag. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.m ([UIxMailMainFrame -composeAction]): prefix the INBOX folder with "folder". * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailBaseObject -relativeImap4Name]): return nameInContainer stripped from its first 6 characters since all folder names are prefixed with "folder". * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBaseObject.m ([SOGoMailBaseObject -imap4URLString]): invoke -relativeImap4Name instead of "nameInContainer" since the former will return the fixed IMAP4 foldername and the latter the SoObject name. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject +initialize]): we now fetch the "BODYSTRUCTURE" key instead of "BODY". * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -inboxFolderNameInContext:]) ([SOGoMailAccount -draftsFolderNameInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -sieveFolderNameInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -sentFolderNameInContext:]) ([SOGoMailAccount -trashFolderNameInContext:]): prefix the folder names with "folder". ([SOGoMailAccount -inboxFolderInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -sentFolderInContext:_ctx]) ([SOGoMailAccount -trashFolderInContext:_ctx]): no longer prefix the folder names with "folder" since they are prefixed earlier. 2007-07-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -inboxFolderInContext:_ctx]) ([-sentFolderInContext:], [-trashFolderInContext:]): folder keys all starts with "folder". * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject +initialize]): no longer declare security info from here. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([-isMessageKey:_keyinContext:_ctx]): removed useless method. ([SOGoMailFolder -lookupName:_keyinContext:acquire:_acquire]): folder names now always start with "folder". * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([-lookupName:inContext:acquire:]): folder names now always start with "folder". 2007-07-27 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailForwardAction.m ([UIxMailForwardAction -forwardAction]): adapted to the new saveAttachment:withMetadata: method (see below). * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailEditor.m ([UIxMailEditor -saveAction]): added code to save the attached filenames with the filename returned by the web server as well as their mime types. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartMessageViewer.m ([UIxMailPartMessageViewer -fromAddresses]) ([UIxMailPartMessageViewer -toAddresses]) ([UIxMailPartMessageViewer -ccAddresses]): new methods returning the corresponding fields separated with a ", " (if needed). * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([SOGoDraftObject -saveAttachment:_attachwithMetadata:metadata]): new method replacing -saveAttachment:withName: and which takes a dictionary as parameter with the filename and the mime type of the attachment. The mimetype is then saved in a hidden text file. ([SOGoDraftObject -contentTypeForAttachmentWithName:]): if exists, take the mime type from the hidden text file related to the attachment. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m () ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -lookupContactsWithFilter:filtersortBy:sortKeyordering:sortOrdering]): return records if the db records are > 0 and not just > 1... 2007-07-24 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([-displayName]): removed method. ([UIxContactsListView -defaultSortKey]): changed to "displayName". * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -lookupContactsWithFilter:filtersortBy:sortKeyordering:sortOrdering]): translate the returned records to a normalized form. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -lookupContactsWithFilter:filtersortBy:sortKeyordering:sortOrdering]): translate the returned records to a normalized form. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalListingActions.m, UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m, SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m, SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m, SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m, SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m, OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m, OGoContentStore/OCSContactFieldExtractor.m: prefixed all quick table fields with "c_". 2007-07-23 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSource.m ([LDAPSource +initialize]): query the values for SOGoLDAPQueryLimit and SOGoLDAPQueryTimeout from the application settings. If set, both limit will influence the maximum size of the resultsets and the time taken to solve them. ([LDAPSource -_initLDAPConnection]): initialize the limits. 2007-07-22 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -davNamespaces]): added new overriden method that declares the DAV namespace related to CardDAV. ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -davComplianceClassesInContext:]): new method that declares the "access-control" and "addressbook-access" classes to the list. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([-lookupActionForCalDAVMethod:]): removed method. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -davNamespaces]): added new overriden method that declares the DAV namespace related to CalDAV. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -davNamespaces]): new optional method for subclasses which handle specific extensions to the DAV protocol: CardDAV or CalDAV. ([SOGoFolder -lookupName:lookupNameinContext:localContextacquire:acquire]): new overriden method that handles dav invocations for extensions to DAV by returning an appropriate SoSelectorInvocation. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+Utilities.m ([NSString -asDavInvocation]): new method returning a dictionary with a "ns" key representing the dav namespace and a "method" key representing the dav method name of the request. * UI/PreferencesUI/UIxPreferences.m ([UIxPreferences +initialize]): scan the value of SOGoUIxUserCanChangePassword. Default is "no". ([UIxPreferences -shouldDisplayPasswordChange]): new template method that returns the value of SOGoUIxUserCanChangePassword. * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage +initialize]): scan the value of SOGoUIxDefaultModule. If not set, the default module defaults to "Calendar". ([SOGoUserHomePage -defaultAction]): redirect the user to the value of "SOGoUIxDefaultModule". 2007-07-20 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([UIxContactsListView -contactInfos]): cache the results to avoid multiple invocations. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -toOneRelationshipKeys]): check whether we really should return something or if we fake to return nil... 2007-07-13 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser +initialize]): set acceptAnyUser to YES only when the SOGoAuthentificationMethod user default is set to "bypass". * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAuthenticator.m ([SOGoAuthenticator -checkLogin:_loginpassword:_pwd]): accepts unverified connections when authMethod is set to "bypass" from now on. This would avoid a security concern with a default installation of SOGo. AuthentificationMethod is now prefixed with "SOGo" for better clarity. 2007-07-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -quotasAction]): new method that returns a json representation of the mailbox quotas. 2007-07-10 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBaseObject.m ([SOGoMailBaseObject -imap4URL]): rewrote method to support accented mailbox names. ([SOGoMailBaseObject imap4Password]): rewrote to simply use SOGoAuthenticator's passwordInContext:. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m ([UIxTaskEditor -takeValuesFromRequest:_rqinContext:_ctx]): explicitly set the start and due dates to nil if hasStartDate and hasDueDate are false. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAuthenticator.m ([SOGoAuthenticator -passwordInContext:context]): made method public. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromTodo:_task]): set "isallday" and "isopaque" to false to avoid a null violation. 2007-07-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -contentAsString]): returns the message encoded in ISO Latin 1 again. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser +initialize]): read the SOGoSuperUsername user defaults. ([SOGoUser -initWithLogin:newLoginroles:newRoles]): simplified method. ([SOGoUser -rolesForObject:objectinContext:context]): if the current user is the superuser, grant him/her the "owner" role. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -ocsFolder]): create the folder only if the current user is the owner of the future folder. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -contentAsString]): we return the content based on the permissions returned by the security manager instead of by looking at the user roles. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -calendarFolders]): read the calendar folders of the user to whom this folder belongs instead of the active user. This way, a delegate user will be able to have the same view that the original user has if he connects from his user directory. * Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo -lookupUser:_keyinContext:]): check if the user exists before creating the SOGoUserFolder instance. If not, returns nil. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailSourceView.[hm]: new class module designed to return the message source code in plain text. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -contentAsString]): returns the message encoded in UTF8. 2007-07-03 Wolfgang Sourdeau * OGoContentStore/iCalRepeatableEntityObject+OCS.m ([iCalRepeatableEntityObject -cycleInfo]): no longer take the leading tagname into account when serializing the element values. * Main/SOGoProductLoader.m: only load bundle directories ending with the "SOGo" extension. * Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo -_checkTableWithCM:cmtableURL:urlandType:tableType]): empty the result set if the query has caused no exception. Otherwise we get an "evaluation is in progress exception". 2007-06-29 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m ([AgenorUserDefaults -generateSQLForInsert]): initialize error to nil before the serialization. Otherwise the method can get confused if it ever is initialized to something else. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m ([SOGoUserFolder -folderIsMandatory]): returns NO unconditionnally. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -appendPersonalSources]): add the "personal" folder to the list of user folders even if it doesn't exist, so that it is created when the user accesses it. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -folderIsMandatory]): returns YES if nameInContainer is set to "personal", which is the default address book. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -folderIsMandatory]): returns YES since users must have one Calendar folder (one and only one). ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -_privacySqlString]): unescape the escaping '\' so make the carriage return a real one. This way, PgSQL 8 won't complain about escaping the string. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -ocsFolder]): new method that create the folder if considered mandatory. ([SOGoFolder -folderIsMandatory]): new method that determines whether the folder should be created automatically or not. To be overriden by subclasses. * Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo -run]): override method and create the missing system tables if needed. 2007-06-28 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/WOContext+UIxMailer.m ([WOContext -mailDateFormatter]): returns the user's date formatter. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -date]): applies the user timezone to the date object before returning it. * UI/Common/UIxSortButton.m: removed useless class module. * UI/Common/UIxSortableTableHeader.m: removed useless class module. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([UIxContactsListView -contactInfos]): use the "asc" url parameter instead of "desc" to determine the ordering. ([-sortOrdering]): removed method. ([UIxContactsListView -init]): removed the "searchText" ivar. (general): the template no longer use the UIxSortableTableHeader components. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -defaultSortKey]): default sort following the messages arrival instead of their date. ([-isSortedDescending]): removed method. ([-imap4SortOrdering]): use the "asc" url parameter instead of "desc" to determine the ordering. (general): the template no longer use the UIxSortableTableHeader components. 2007-06-27 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -sleep]): removed method. ([-setQualifier:_msg], [-qualifier]): removed methods. ([UIxMailListView -defaultAction]): added code to handle the search criteria and value passed as url parameters. Also, we now handle the same search criterias as Thunderbird/Icedove. 2007-06-22 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/PreferencesUI/UIxJSONPreferences.m ([UIxJSONPreferences -jsonDefaultsAction]): bug fix: returns a WOResponse instance with the string instead of the string itself. ([UIxJSONPreferences -jsonSettingsAction]): same as above. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser +initialize]): new module bool var "acceptAnyUser" that is set when the AuthenticationMethod user default is nil. ([SOGoUser -initWithLogin:newLoginroles:newRoles]): unconditionnally returns an instance whenever acceptAnyUser is set. 2007-06-21 Wolfgang Sourdeau * Main/sogod.m (main): prevent SOGo from running as root. 2007-06-19 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -setCurrentPassword:newPassword]): new stub method. ([SOGoUser -dateFormatterInContext:context]): new method that returns an instance of SOGoDateFormatter configured based on the user defaults. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -relativePreferencesPath]): new method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([-titleDateFormatter]): removed useless method. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoDateFormatter.m: rewrote class to accept different configurable formats (long and short date + time). * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoDateFormatter.[hm]: moved from UI/SOGoUI/. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccounts.m ([SOGoMailAccounts -isInternetRequest]): removed method. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m ([AgenorUserDefaults -jsonRepresentation]): new method with an explicit name. * UI/PreferencesUI/product.plist: new bundle that provides a web ui for handling user defaults. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskView.[hm]: removed unused module. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentView.[hm]: removed unused module. * SoObjects/SOGo/WOContext+Agenor.[hm]: removed unused module. 2007-06-14 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoLRUCache.m: removed unused module. 2007-06-13 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/NSArray+Scheduler.m ([NSArray -compareEventsAscending:otherEvent]): no longer use compare: on the time objects since one of them could be an NSNull, which crashes when comparing with anything. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalListingActions.m ([UIxCalListingActions -eventsListAction]): sort events from here. ([UIxCalListingActions -tasksListAction]): sort tasks from here. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSObject+AptComparison.[hm]: removed category module, replaced with NSArray+Scheduler in UI/SchedulerUI/. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchFields:_fieldsfromFolder:_folderfrom:_startDateto:_endDatecomponent:_component]): no longer sort elements from here. 2007-06-12 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -aclsForUser:uid]): implemented method by forwarding the request to the container. This fixes a bug where users could no longer read emails from shared folders. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -init]): "isNew" is no longer defined here, but rather in its parent class. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoDateFormatter.m ([SOGoDateFormatter -stringForSecondsSinceThe70s:seconds]): new utility method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalListingActions.m ([UIxCalListingActions -eventsListAction]): no longer reduce the end day of one day for all day events since everything has been fixed in OCSiCalFieldExtractor. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromEvent:_event]): reduce the seconds/70 of the end date of all day events of 1 so that they stay on their real last day. 2007-06-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMonthView.m: no longer retrieve appointments. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalView.m ([-fetchCoreAppointmentsInfos]): removed method. ([-fetchCoreTasksInfos]): removed method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalListingActions.m ([UIxCalListingActions -init]): initialize an instance of SOGoDateFormatter. ([UIxCalListingActions -eventsListAction]): the display start and end dates are added to the listing for each event. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayTable.m: no longer retrieve appointments. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -isAllDay]): returns YES if the "hm" url parameter is set to "allday". ([UIxAppointmentEditor -defaultAction]): if isAllDay, the enddate is displayed one day earlier. 2007-06-07 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalListingActions.m ([UIxCalListingActions -_setupContext]): take the range of dates specified by the popup into account. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalListingActions.[hm]: new subclass of WODirectAction that returns WOResponse objects with the events or todos satisfying the parameters passed in the url. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -takeValuesFromRequest:_rqinContext:_ctx]): take the new ivar "isAllDay" into account and compute the amount of days to pass to the iCalEvent. 2007-06-06 Francis Lachapelle * SoObjects/SOGo/NSNumber+Utilities.m: initial import. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSNull+Utilities.m: initial import. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalTasksListView.m ([WOResponse -tasksListAction]): new method that returns a json-formatted array of the visible tasks for the current user. 2007-06-05 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m: the owner of the object must be present in the list of UIDs we delete the object from. Otherwise Calendar objects having no organizer and no attendees will remain in their owner's Calendar. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -_urlPreferringParticle:expectedoverThisOne:possible]): remove the first 3 elements of the path array if the url returned by baseURLInContext: returns a hostname. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -_adjustOwner]): sharedFolderName and otherUsersFolderName may be nil, in which case a crash happens when calling hasPrefix:. ([SOGoMailFolder -_sharesACLs]): same as above. ([SOGoMailFolder -otherUsersPathToFolder]): same as above. If otherUsersFolderName is nil, we return nil. ([SOGoMailFolder -httpURLForAdvisoryToUser:uid]): if we receive nil from [self otherUsersPathToFolder], we return nil too. 2007-06-01 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -_urlPreferringParticle:expectedoverThisOne:possible]): unescape the result of [self baseURLInContext:] to avoid a double escaping in the resulting string. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -aclsForUser:uid]): if the user has the "ObjectReader" role on the parent container, then he is granted the "ObjectViewer" role on this object. Same for "ObjectEraser", although this might change later. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -toolbar]): determine the toolbar filename based on the permissions declared by the securitymanager. The role mechanism has been adjusted on a lowerlevel so we can simplify the code. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([SOGoContentObject -initWithName:newNameinContainer:newContainer]): read the content directly from here. That way we can determine whether the object is being created. ([SOGoContentObject -aclsForUser:uid]): if the object is new and the ObjectCreator role is enabled, we also grant the ObjectEditor role to the current user. * UI/Common/UIxFolderActions.m ([-canAccessContentAction]): changed the method paradigm to only return HTTP code 204. Not test is done whatsoever since the security manager does it for us. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([-canAccessContentAction]): removed method because the same exists in UIxFolderActions.m * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsUserRightsEditor.m ([UIxContactsUserRightsEditor -setUserCanReadObjects:userCanReadObjects]): new method. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoPermissions.m: added roles "FolderViewer" and "FolderEraser" and special permission "Access Object". Removed role "SOGoMailRole_MessageEraser" since "SOGoRole_ObjectEraser" can be used instead. Removed "FolderReader" since it is useless. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSEntry.m ([SOGoContactGCSEntry -vCard]): directly use the "content" ivar since it is initialized during object creation. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -init]): no longer handle the nameInContainer no the container ivars. They were removed because this class is a descendant of SOGoObject which already has them. ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -davDisplayName]): new overriden method returning "displayName". ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -isFolderish]): new overriden method returning "YES". * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -isOrganizerOrOwner:user]): commented out. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -findParticipant:user]): new name for method "participant:". ([SOGoCalendarComponent -findParticipantWithUID:uid]): same as findparticipant but taking a uid string as parameter. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -contentAsString]): don't regenerate the iCalendar automatically. Instead, this is done only when the user is a "date and time viewer". ([SOGoCalendarComponent -aclsForUser:uid]): take delegation roles (modifier and responder) into account by compiling them with the owner's roles. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolder.h: removed "nameInContainer" from the list of required methods. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoFreeBusyObject.m ([SOGoFreeBusyObject -davContentType]): returns "text/calendar". * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -davResourceType]): declare the correct groupdav resource-type. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -davContentType]): same as below. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -initWithName:newNameinContainer:newContainer]): new overriden method setting the custom owner directly. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccounts.m ([SOGoMailAccounts -davContentType]): same as below. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -davContentType]): same as below. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -davContentType]): declare "httpd/unix-directory". * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser +initialize]): declare "UTC" as fallback timezone instead of "Canada/Eastern". ([-hasEmail:email]): make use of the new NSArray's containsCaseInsensitiveString: method. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -davContentType]): declare "message/rfc822" as content type. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -_privacySqlString]): "owner" is now an ivar in SOGoObject. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchFields:_fieldsfromFolder:_folderfrom:_startDateto:_endDatecomponent:_component]): same as above. ([-fetchContentObjectNames]): commented out method since it was usefull only for testing Funambol. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.m ([NSArray -containsCaseInsensitiveString:match]): an enhanced version of containsObject:. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailView.m ([-isTrashingAllowed]): removed useless method. ([-showMarkDeletedButton]): removed useless method. ([-showTrashButton]): removed useless method. * SoObjects/Appointments/iCalEntityObject+SOGo.m ([iCalEntityObject -userIsParticipant:user]): new proxy method that invoked isParticipant on self for each possible email addresses of the user passed as parameter. ([iCalEntityObject -userIsOrganizer:user]): same as above. * SoObjects/Appointments/iCalEntityObject+SOGo.[hm]: new class extension module. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m ([SOGoAppointmentObject -saveContentString:contentStringbaseVersion:baseVersion]): remove method since an event may not have an organizer. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -GETAction:localContext]): clarified method. Added support for content-type (thanks to Helge Hess). ([SOGoObject -initWithName:_nameinContainer:_container]): initialize and retain the owner. ([SOGoObject -davContentType]): returns "text/plain". 2007-05-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Common/UIxObjectActions.m ([UIxObjectActions -addUserInAclsAction]): send an acl addition mail. ([UIxObjectActions -removeUserFromAclsAction]): send an acl removal mail. * UI/Common/UIxFolderActions.m ([UIxFolderActions -_realActionWithFolderName:folderDict]): handle the possible presence of the "mail-invitation" url parameter. If present, the user will be redirected to the relevant folder. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -fullEmail]): new proxy method. ([SOGoUser -language]): new method that returns the user's preferred language, or the system's if none has been set yet. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -davURL]): new method that returns the full dav url to self. ([SOGoObject -soURL]): same as above but for the so url (Web UI). ([SOGoObject -soURLToBaseContainerForUser:uid]): new method that returns the full so url to the base of the SOGo module to which self belongs, and for the specified user. ([SOGoObject -soURLToBaseContainerForCurrentUser]): same as above but for the current user. ([SOGoObject -httpURLForAdvisoryToUser:uid]): new protocol method required by the acl advisory templates and which returns a link the target user can click to activate its new subscription. ([SOGoObject -resourceURLForAdvisoryToUser:uid]): same as above but for inclusion of the application/x-sogo-notification part, which will be handled by the Lightning enhancer plugin. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -subscribeAction]) ([UIxMailFolderActions -unsubscribeAction]): new stub methods that do nothing yet since imap folder subscription is not handled yet. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([-hasSupportForDefaultRoles]): removed method. * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPUserManager.m ([LDAPUserManager -getFullEmailForUID:uid]): new method that returns the username + email pair. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent +initialize]): the default language for mail templates is now set to English. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoACLFrenchRemovalAdvisory.[hm]: new subclass of SOGoACLAdvisory implementing the french template for user removal from acls. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoACLFrenchAdditionAdvisory.[hm]: new subclass of SOGoACLAdvisory implementing the french template for user additions to acls. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoACLEnglishRemovalAdvisory.[hm]: new subclass of SOGoACLAdvisory implementing the english template for user removal from acls. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoACLEnglishAdditionAdvisory.[hm]: new subclass of SOGoACLAdvisory implementing the english template for user additions to acls. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoACLAdvisory.[hm]: new class module implemented the supercall of all the acl advistory templates. The model is based on SOGoAptMailNotification except that the template encapsulates the message to be sent. Later, we might create a superclass common to all template-based emails. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.m ([NSMutableArray -addRange:newRange]): new method that store a string representation of the NSRange passed as parameter. ([NSMutableArray -hasRangeIntersection:testRange]): tests whether any range contained in self intersect with the one passed as parameter. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+Utilities.m ([-stringByDetectingURLs]): store ranges in an array to prevent them from intersecting with each other during the passes. 2007-05-29 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -primaryFetchMailboxInfo]): useless method. Removed. 2007-05-28 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -toManyRelationshipKeys]): invoke [self subfolders]. ([SOGoMailFolder -subfolders]): new method containing what used to be in toManyRelationshipKeys. ([SOGoMailFolder -subfoldersURL]): same as above but returns imap urls. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -allFolderPaths]): renamed version of "allFolderPathes", sorted by named and at the beginning of which we put the predefined folders. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -emptyTrashAction]): new method inspired by a similar one from UIxMailListView, to which we added the ability to remove subfolders. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([-emptyTrashAction]): removed method. Replaced with a similar one in UIxMailFolderActions. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -renameFolderAction]): implemented method. ([UIxMailFolderActions -deleteFolderAction]): no longer delete the specified folder. Instead, we put it in the trash folder. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([-createFolderAction]): removed method, replaced with a similar method in the new UIxMailFolderAction class module. ([-deleteFolderAction]): idem. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.m ([UIxMailFolderActions -createFolderAction]): new method implementing subfolder creation. ([UIxMailFolderActions -renameFolderAction]): new method implementing subfolder renaming (basic implementation to be finalized later). ([UIxMailFolderActions -deleteFolderAction]): new method implementing folder deletion. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderActions.[hm]: new module implementing web actions related to the handling of imap folder. 2007-05-25 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -ownerInContext:localContext]): overriden method because we are an IMAP4 client and we need a bit more intelligence to deduce the owner of the current folder. ([SOGoMailFolder -aclsForUser:uid]): aclForMailboxAtURL might return an NSException so we need to be careful here to avoid a crash. ([SOGoMailFolder -aclUsers]): aclForMailboxAtURL might return an NSException so we need to be careful here to avoid a crash. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccounts.m ([SOGoMailAccounts -fetchIdentitiesWithOnlyEmitterAccess:_flag]) there is no longer any concept of Intranet or Internet connection handling. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -sharedFolderName]): new method. ([SOGoMailAccount -otherUsersFolderName]): new method. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderMenu.[hm]: removed module, obsoleted by new javascript code and the new UIxMailAccountActions class. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailTree.[hm]: removed module, obsoleted by new javascript code and the new UIxMailAccountActions class. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailTreeBlock.[hm]: removed module, obsoleted by new javascript code and the new UIxMailAccountActions class. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountActions.m ([UIxMailAccountActions -listMailboxesAction]): new method that returns a json-formatted tree of all the mailboxes available to the current user. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountActions.[hm]: new module implementing web actions related to the handling of mail accounts. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.[hm]: new extension module. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSObject+Utilities.m ([NSObject -jsonRepresentation]): new interface method meant to be overriden by the primitive classes. 2007-05-23 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailSplashView.m: removed. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -getUIDsForICalPersons:iCalPersons]): add the uid to the list only when the user email is recognized by the user manager. 2007-05-22 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -isDeletionAllowed]): completed method with the new imap acl api. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -defaultAclRoles]): removed method. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoPermissions.m: added the new role "SOGoMailRole_MessageEraser". * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.m ([UIxAclEditor -defaultUserID]) ([UIxAclEditor -_prepareUsers]): take the new SOGoObject's "defaultUserID" method into account. * UI/Common/UIxUserRightsEditor.m ([UIxUserRightsEditor -userIsDefaultUser]) ([UIxUserRightsEditor -_initRights]): take the new SOGoObject's "defaultUserID" method into account. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailUserRightsEditor.m: added all the missing methods to support the IMAP acls mentionned in the RFC 4314, removed the ones specific to Cyrus. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -defaultUserID]): new mandatory method for subclasses. Removed the SOGoDefaultUserID global var. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -defaultUserID]): overriden method to return @"". * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([SOGoContentObject -defaultUserID]): overriden method to return @"". * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m ([SOGoMailFolder -aclsForUser:uid]): overriden method. ([SOGoMailFolder -removeAclsForUsers:users]): overriden method. ([SOGoMailFolder -setRoles:rolesforUser:uid]): overriden method. ([SOGoMailFolder -defaultUserID]): overriden method. ([SOGoMailFolder -hasSupportForDefaultRoles]): overriden method. 2007-05-18 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -aclUsersForObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): new method that being forwarded the calles to aclUsers for the GCS-based subclasses of SOGoObject. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m: removed all the previous methods that would have been used to support IMAP acls. Replaced them with the new protocol for them that has been implemented in SOGo during the last few weeks. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([SOGoContentObject -hasSupportForDefaultRoles]): override method by returning "YES". * SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.m ([NSMutableArray -addObjectUniquely:object]): new method with an explicit name. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -aclUsers]): renamed "acl" to "aclUsers". Now designed to return only the uid of the users involved in an ACL. ([SOGoObject -hasSupportForDefaultRoles]): new method returning "NO" by default. To indicate to the acl editor that we don't want to handle a default user. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoPermissions.[hm]: added the SOGoRole_ObjectReader, SOGoRole_Folder*, and SOGoMailRole_* symbols. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailUserRightsEditor.[hm]: new class module that provides a view to the IMAP acls. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderACLEditor.m: removed obsolete module. * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: replaced all invocations of addEventListener to the use of prototype's Event object. Also, configured all menus programmatically following descriptions lists containing their callbacks, or nulls, submenus id or separators. 2007-05-17 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Common/UIxObjectActions.m ([UIxObjectActions -addUserInAclsAction]): save the previous roles of the user (unlikely) or the default roles, or None instead of saving the roles that should appear the first time in the role editor when no default has been set... * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m: defined a new constant "SOGoDefaultUserID". * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -setRoles:rolesforUser:uidforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): ignore the "AuthorizedSubscriber" role and add the "None" role when no other role is found. * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.m: added a button for the new default user roles feature. * UI/Common/UIxUserRightsEditor.m ([UIxUserRightsEditor -_initRights]): don't take the "None" role into account when initializing the list of current roles. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoPermissions.m: added a new void role "SOGoRole_None". 2007-05-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+Utilities.m ([NSString -_rangeOfURLInRange:refRange]): urls cannot end with "&" nor "=". There is no need to subscract the start from the length if a space is not found since the range has not changed either. Finally, the first character before the url might also be a tab or a cr, so we match it against the "urlAfterEndingChars" custom NSCharacterSet. ([NSString -stringByDetectingURLs]): modified to handle email addresses and add a correct "mailto:" link. 2007-05-15 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchContentObjectNames]): override method to return the events in the range of 2 weeks ago up to 4 weeks from "now". * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartTextViewer.m ([UIxMailPartTextViewer -flatContentAsString]): use the new "stringByDetectingURLs" method to offer clickable urls. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+Utilities.m ([NSString -stringByDetectingURLs]): this new method replaces passive URLS with active ones for HTML resolution of the text. 2007-05-14 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([NSString -asQPSubjectString:encoding]): simplified method. The headers indicates "utf-8" again thank to our fix in sope-mime. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m: fail to build if libFoundation is being used. 2007-05-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Common/UIxObjectActions.m ([UIxObjectActions -removeUserFromAclsAction]): implemented this method which was missing and is required to remove users from ACLs. * UI/Common/UIxFolderActions.m ([UIxFolderActions -subscribeAction]): folderDict was not autoreleased, resulting in a leak... * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m ([AgenorUserDefaults -primaryFetchProfile]): when building with libFoundation, don't use the "propertyList" method from NSString. Rather, we convert the string to an NSData instance and passit as parameter to NSDeserializer. This way, we obtain a mutable dictionary rather than an immutable one. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([SOGoDraftObject -bodyPartForText]) ([SOGoDraftObject -mimeMessageForContentWithHeaderMap:]): use the constant string "contentTypeValue". contentTypeValue is now set back to iso-8859-1 since NGMime converts extracts the data in that encoding. 2007-05-10 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSource.m ([LDAPSource -checkLogin:loginToCheckandPassword:passwordToCheck]): if a "bindFields" value is present in the user defaults, use the specified fields to find the dn of the user to bind. ([LDAPSource -allEntryIDs]) ([LDAPSource -fetchContactsMatching:match]) ([LDAPSource -lookupContactEntry:entryID]) ([LDAPSource -lookupContactEntryWithUIDorEmail:uid]): bind and unbind the connection on each request. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAddressbook.m: removed obsolete module. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -contactSearchAction]): simplified method to use the facilities provided by the LDAPUserManager. No longer takes care of the "ldap-only" url parameter since all requests are handled by the usermanager now. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m ([AgenorUserDefaults -primaryFetchProfile]): check that the value returned is not null before interpreting it. * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPUserManager.m ([LDAPUserManager -contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail:uid]): check that uid is not empty. ([LDAPUserManager -_fillContactMailRecords:contact]): if the system email is already present, remove it before adding it. * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSource.m ([LDAPSource -checkLogin:loginToCheckandPassword:passwordToCheck]): check that loginToCheck is not empty. ([LDAPSource -fetchContactsMatching:match]): check that match is not empty. ([LDAPSource -lookupContactEntry:entryID]): check that entryID is not empty. ([LDAPSource -lookupContactEntryWithUIDorEmail:uid]): check that uid is not empty. 2007-05-09 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -primaryEmail]): new name for "mail" method. ([SOGoUser -systemEmail]): returns the email formed from the username and the default mail domain. ([SOGoUser -hasEmail:email]): test whether the user has the specified email, in a case-insensitive way. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAuthenticator.m ([SOGoAuthenticator -LDAPCheckLogin:_loginpassword:_pwd]): use the user manager to check login information. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder +contactFolderWithName:aNameandDisplayName:aDisplayNameinContainer:aContainer]): no longer manage LDAP connections. The requests are forwarded to the relevant LDAPSource instead. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -appendSystemSources]): pass LDAPSource objects to SOGoContactLDAPFolder instances. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m: extract the raw email address of the "from" field before sending the message. Otherwise, sending the mail won't work. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailEditor.m ([UIxMailEditor -fromEMails]): rewrote this method to request all the available email identities for the current user. Also, the from field also contains the full name of the user, not just his/her email address. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -iCalPersonWithUID:uid]): new method taken from the previous module iCalEntityObject+Agenor. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -getUIDForICalPerson:person]): idem. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -getUIDsForICalPersons:iCalPersons]): idem. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDIFEntry.[hm]: new class module replacing the SOGoContactLDAPEntry module. It was renamed as such because it now receives a dictionary instead of an NGLdapEntry. It thus can now handle data from any source of LDIF data, not only coming from LDAP. * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPUserManager.[hm]: new class module implementing most of what used to be the AgenorUserManager class. The difference is that users are cached in the forme of dictionaries and many sources are used. Also, it can be used to search LDAP contacts. * SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSource.[hm]: new class module implementing the concept of "ldap source", to be used by all the classes needing access to LDAP-provided information: addressbooks and the user manager. Most the method thereing are transcriptions of methods previously found in SOGoContactLDAPFolder. It also contain utility methods for user matching and authentification. * SoObjects/Appointments/iCalEntityObject+Agenor.[hm]: removed module, rendered useless by code refactoring. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserManager.[hm]: removed module, replaced with the freshly written "LDAPUserManager". 2007-05-08 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.[hm]: renamed to SOGOContactLDIFEntry. * SoObjects/Contacts/NGLdapEntry+Contact.[hm]: removed class module, obsoleted by code in SOGo/LDAPSource.[hm]. 2007-05-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.m ([UIxAclEditor -currentUserIsOwner]): new method with an explicit name. 2007-05-03 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -isOrganizerOrOwner:user]): new method replacing "isOrganizer:orOwner:" by taking only one instance of SOGoUser as parameter. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -participant:user]): new method replacing the previous "isParticipant" boolean method by returning the first participant matching the user passed as parameter. This method is used so that both the regular email address and the "system email address" of the user are matched against the participants emails. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserManager.m ([AgenorUserManager -getSystemEMailForUID:uid]): new method that returns the email formed with the user's uid and the default mail domain. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -rolesOfUser:login]): removed method that was previously commented out. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -systemEmail]): new method forwared to [AgenorUserManager getSystemEmailForUID:]. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -toolbar]): method replacing the one with the same name in the task and appointment editor classes. This method makes also use of the new method "isOrganizerOrOwner:" and "participant:" in SOGoCalendarComponent. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -toolbar]): removed method, replaced with a method with the same name in UIxComponentEditor. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m ([UIxTaskEditor -toolbar]): removed method, replaced with a method with the same name in UIxComponentEditor. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m ([AgenorUserDefaults -primaryFetchProfile]): the values returned from the database are converted to a put dictionary first, since the dictionary returned is actually an immutable one, which can cause a crash afterwards. 2007-04-27 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoPermissions.m: added "SOGoRole_ObjectViewer" and "SOGoRole_ObjectEditor". * UI/Common/UIxUserRightsEditor.m ([UIxUserRightsEditor -prepareRightsForm]): this method is no longer mandatory. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsUserRightsEditor.m ([UIxContactsUserRightsEditor -setUserCanCreateObjects:userCanCreateObjects]): new subclass module to handle acls related to the address books. Partial implementation. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -setRoles:rolesforUser:uidforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): cache newly set roles. ([SOGoFolder -removeAclsForUsers:usersforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): remove specified roles from cache. ([SOGoFolder -aclsForUser:uidforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): put resulting roles in cache. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -init]): do not invoke initWithName:inContainer:. Instead, directly initialize the ivars as it is supposed to be to avoid an infinite loop whenever one of those two methods are overriden. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([-rolesOfUser:login]): removed method. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry -aclsForUser:uid]): override method so that SOGo won't crash when loading the contact card. 2007-04-26 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -_privacySqlString]): the string for the "freebusy" special user should only require opaque elements. 2007-04-25 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -davResourceType]): fixed a problem with our double declaration where the resulting XML would be screwed. There is only one collection per namespace. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSCalendarDate+SOGo.m ([NSCalendarDate rfc822DateString]): new method that returns a string conform to rfc 822 and suitable for email headers. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m: invoke the new "rfc822DateString" category method on the date we put in the header. 2007-04-24 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Common/UIxUserRightsEditor.m ([UIxUserRightsEditor -defaultAction]) ([UIxUserRightsEditor -saveUserRightsAction]): new action methods which should never be overriden. ([UIxUserRightsEditor -appendRight:newRight]) ([UIxUserRightsEditor -removeRight:right]) ([UIxUserRightsEditor -appendExclusiveRight:newRightfromList:list]) ([UIxUserRightsEditor -removeAllRightsFromList:list]): new utility methods that can be used by the subclasses. ([UIxUserRightsEditor -prepareRightsForm]): new method that should mandatorily be overriden to prepare the elements of the subclassed form. ([UIxUserRightsEditor -updateRights]): new method that should mandatorily be overriden to update the user rights from the elements of the subclassed form. * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.m ([UIxAclEditor -_prepareUsers]): we check if the uid is already listed before adding it to our array. This is because the acl table can contain more than one record per user/object relationship. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -setRoles:rolesforUser:uidforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): the "roles" parameter is now an NSArray instead of a string. Therefore we loop throughout the array to populate the table. All the relevant records are removed prior to the addition of the new rights. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailBaseObject.m ([SOGoMailBaseObject -aclsForUser:uid]): new override that returns nil until we add support for IMAP acls. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccounts.m ([SOGoMailAccounts -aclsForUser:uid]): same as below. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -aclsForUser:uid]): same as below. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -aclsForUser:uid]): override this method which will always return nil. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoPermissions.[hm]: added [Public,Private,Confidential] x[Viewer,DAndTViewer,Responder,Modifier]. Renamed SOGoRole_ORganizer to SOGoCalendarRole_Organizer. Same for ..._Participant. Removed SOGoRole_Assistant and SOGoRole_Delegate. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -defaultAclRoles]): new overriden method that defines default roles for new elements in the acl. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalUserRightsEditor.[hm]: new component class module and subclass of UIxUserRightsEditor specific to the handling of user rights on calendar folders. 2007-04-23 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -groupDavResourceType]): return both "vevent-collection" and "vtodo-collection". * UI/Common/UIxUserRightsEditor.[hm]: new template class module that implements the detailed editor of user rights per-object. 2007-04-17 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -rolesForObject:objectinContext:context]): no longer query objects for "roleForUser:". Instead, all objects should implement "rolesForUser:". * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([SOGoContentObject -acls]): new method to comply with the new acl "protocol" in SOGoObject. Uses SOGoFolder's new facilities for ACLS. ([SOGoContentObject -aclsForUser:uid]): idem. ([SOGoContentObject -setRoles:rolesforUser:uid]): idem. ([SOGoContentObject -removeAclsForUsers:users]): idem. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -aclsForObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): new method generic to GCS based folders. This method is derived from the code that was in UIxAclFolder before its removal. ([SOGoFolder -aclsForUser:uidforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): idem. ([SOGoFolder -removeAclsForUsers:usersforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): idem. ([SOGoFolder -setRoles:rolesforUser:uidforObjectAtPath:objectPathArray]): idem. ([SOGoFolder -setRoleForUsers:uidsto:role]) ([SOGoFolder -setRoleForUsers:uidsto:role]): removed method. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -acls]): stub method that requires overriding by subclasses. ([SOGoObject -aclsForUser:uid]): idem. ([SOGoObject -defaultAclRoles]): idem. ([SOGoObject -setRoles:rolesforUser:uid]): idem. ([SOGoObject -removeAclsForUsers:users]): idem. * UI/Common/UIxObjectActions.m: new module implementing the web actions common to SOGoObject and all its subclasses. ([UIxObjectActions -addUserInAclsAction]): new method that adds a user with the clientObject defaults user rights to the object's acl. * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.m: modified module so as to simplify it to the point where it will only list the users (and their name) associated with an object acl. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAclsFolder.m: removed module because its methods have been moved into SOGoObject and SOGoFolder during a refactoring. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -iCalParticipantsAndResourcesStringFromQueryParameters]): removed method made useless by the programmatic handling of iCalendar objects. ([UIxComponentEditor -iCalParticipantsStringFromQueryParameters]): idem. ([UIxComponentEditor -iCalResourcesStringFromQueryParameters]): idem. ([UIxComponentEditor -iCalStringFromQueryParameter:_qpformat:_format]): idem. * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js (initDnd): enable drag and drop on all folder nodes, not just on leaves. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -lookupContactsWithFilter:filtersortBy:sortKeyordering:sortOrdering]): request field "uid" when doing a search. 2007-04-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau * Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo +initialize]): on GNUstep, trigger some debugging facilities when the SOGoDebugObjectAllocation user default is set. 2007-04-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+Utilities.m ([NSString -boolValue]): new method that SOGo will need with non-gnustep Foundation implementation. ([NSString -stringByAppendingPathComponent:component]): new method that SOGo will need when building with libFoundation. Method removed later since it is available from Foundation/NSPathUtilities.h. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -timeZone]): method moved from SOGoObject.m. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m: new ivar "context" that permits every subclass to access [WOApplication context] without having to invoke it more than once. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -changeParticipationStatus:_status]): moved method from SOGoTaskObject and SOGoAppointmentObject up to their parent class. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalSelectTab.m: removed module. 2007-04-10 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSEntry.m ([SOGoContactGCSEntry -vCard]): test the prefix of the card in a case-independent way. * OGoContentStore/OCSContactFieldExtractor.m ([OCSContactFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromContent:content]): we no longer accept records in a format other than versit vCard so we can get rid of a lot of code. 2007-04-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([UIxContactsListView -selectorComponentClass]): restored method. 2007-04-03 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalTasksListView.m ([UIxCalTasksListView -shouldDisplayCurrentTask]): the current task is not displayed if it is NOT completed or if the "showCompletedTasks" flag is set. The logic was inverted in Lightning and is now in SOGo too. 2007-04-02 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.m ([UIxContactView -workUrl]): we want the "work" url instead of the "home". * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m ([UIxContactEditor -_saveSnapshot]): save url values from snapshot. ([UIxContactEditor -initSnapshot]): load url values from snapshot. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -calendarList]): new method replacing "availableCalendars". * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalendarSelector.m ([UIxCalendarSelector -calendarFolders]): we now take the list of subscribed calendar from the container. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -calendarFoldersInContext:context]): new method derived from and replacing [UIxCalView calendarFolders]. 2007-03-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -toManyRelationshipKeys]): don't put the predefined folders in the list if they are returned by the server. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailTree.m ([UIxMailTree -flattenedNodes]): we no longer store the "flattenedBlocks" in a dictionary since the object will be deleted anyway and we don't need to put the folders in cache. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartHTMLViewer.m ([UIxMailPartHTMLViewer -_attachmentIds]): take the current attachment path into account when computing the part urls. 2007-03-29 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewContainer.m ([UIxContactsListViewContainer -additionalFolders]): take the list of subscribed folders from the new property list used for the user settings. The value of its key is SubscribedFolders for the dictionary entry named "Contacts". * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([UIxContactsListView -canAccessContentAction]): new method to override the one from UIxFoldersActions by taking into account the fact that, this time, the clientObject is an ldap folder. Removed many method that used to be related to the handling of the user selector. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayView.m: commented out many unused methods to make sure they can be removed. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalView.m ([UIxCalView -_setupCalendarFolders]): populate the calendar entries based on the user settings plist. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -selectForMailerAction]): restored method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalendarSelector.m: new template module derived from a simplified version of the old UIxContactEditor (removed). * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsUserFolders.m: new template module for selecting users or user folders through an LDAP search of which the results are displayed as a tree. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxMailEditor.js: moved previous generic method "onContactAdd" here since the Mailer is now the only module to use it when composing emails. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added code for handling the new scheme used for describing SOGo folders, common code to handle folder addition or removal. * UI/Common/UIxFolderActions.m ([UIxFolderActions -activateFolderAction]): new method that change the "active" settings in the folder-related fields in the user settings. ([UIxFolderActions -deactivateFolderAction]): see above. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -checkRightsAction]): removed method. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -updateAdditionalAddressBooksAction]): removed method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.m ([UIxCalMainView -updateCalendarsAction]): removed method. 2007-03-28 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.m ([UIxCalMainView -checkRightsAction]): removed method. * UI/Common/UIxFolderActions.m ([UIxFolderActions -canAccessContentAction]): new method designed to replace [UIxCalMainView checkRightsAction] in a more universal way. 2007-03-27 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -roleOfUser:uidinContext:context]): take all the subkeys into account, not only the "personal" folder. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -takeValuesFromRequest:_rqinContext:_ctx]): append a "uid" field to the new components. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -userSettings]): new method (see below). * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserManager.m ([AgenorUserManager -getUserDefaultsForUID:uid]): rewrote method to use the "defaults" field of the sogo_user_profile table, where the user-customizable changes will be saved. ([AgenorUserManager -getUserSettingsForUID:uid]): new method similar to the one above, using the "settings" field where the automatic settings will be saved. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserDefaults.m: rewrote a big part of the module to bind the userdefaults to a property list contained in a specified field of the sogo_user_profile table. ([AgenorUserDefaults -initWithTableURL:tableURLuid:userIDfieldName:defaultsFieldName]): added a "fieldName" parameter. * UI/Common/UIxFolderActions.m: new module implementing web actions common to all GCS-based folders. 2007-03-26 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayTable.m ([UIxCalDayTable -labelForDay]): put a carriage return after the day name. * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage -readFreeBusyAction]): restored method. 2007-03-22 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage -defaultAction]): remade module to redirect automatically to the Calendar url. * SoObjects/Contacts/NSDictionary+Contact.m: removed module. 2007-03-21 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([UIxContactsListView -deleteAction]): new web method to delete personal addressbook folders. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -delete]): override method to refuse the deletion of the folder if its nameInContainer is "personal". * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -delete]): new method that forwards the deletion request to the folder manager. 2007-03-19 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxAttendeesEditor.m ([UIxAttendeesEditor -zoomList]): new method that returns the list of available zoom factors. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m ([UIxTaskEditor -changeStatusAction]): rewrote method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -_handleAttendeesEdition]): make sure "attendeesNames" has a length > 0 before computing the attendees. Otherwise there will be an invalid empty entry. ([UIxComponentEditor -_handleOrganizer]): new method that adds the organizer when there are attendees and remove it when the attendees are removed. 2007-03-18 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxAttendeesEditor.m): new component. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m: no longer a superclass for the task and appointment editors. Now a container component handling the common elements of tasks and events. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m: same as below. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m: rewrote template. No longer a subclass of UIxComponentEditor but a subcomponent of it. * UI/Common/UIxToolbar.m ([UIxToolbar -toolbarConfig]): the toolbar can have the special value "none" to indicate there is none attached to the window. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -isOrganizer:emailorOwner:login]): new method. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -isParticipant:email]): new method. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -calendar:create]): takes one parameter "create" which is a boolean indicating whether we want to create the calendar if it does not exist. 2007-03-12 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMonthView.m: changed view to use divs instead of a table, the same way the dayly and weekly views have been for a few months now. 2007-02-09 Helge Hess * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m: added CalDAV resourcetype * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m: added davCalendarHomeSet CalDAV property to point at the user folder 2007-03-07 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAuthenticator.m ([SOGoAuthenticator -userInContext:]): returns "SOGoUser". * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -contentAsString]): overriden method that takes the privacy into account and discard the relevant fields if needed by generating a new content string and caching it. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -saveContentString:contentStringbaseVersion:baseVersion]): if the new method above has cached a content string, release it and set it to nil so that it will have to be regenerated in the case it is requested further. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -_filterPrivateComponent:component]): discard the fields that have to be hidden when the card is private. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -appendObject:objectwithBaseURL:baseURLtoREPORTResponse:r]): make sure the cards are now handled as instances of SOGoCalendarComponent instead of SOGoContentObject so that their content string is taking the privacy classifiction into account. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -_privacySqlString]): new method that generates a query to determine what information can be given and if the card itself has to be shown. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponent+Agenor.m ([UIxComponent -getICalPersonsFromValue:selectorValue]): removed useless "isAccessRestricted" method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalInlineAptView.m ([UIxCalInlineAptView -setStyle:_style]): test whether the values of orgmail and partmails are null before manipulating them, otherwise SOGo sends a "rangeOfString:" message to an NSNull, which makes it crashes. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromEvent:_event]): we now use the new "symbolicAccessClass" method from iCalEntity to determine the value of the "classifiction" field. ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromTodo:_task]): same as above. 2007-03-05 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchCoreInfosFrom:_startDateto:_endDatecomponent:_component]): see below, the query is adapted consequently. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromTodo:_task]): the field "ispublic" was renamed to "classification" and can any integer as value. ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromEvent:_event]): idem. 2007-02-26 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartHTMLViewer.m ([_UIxHTMLMailContentHandler -_appendStyle:_charslength:_len]): don't prepend anything to the class and id named. Instead, we make each style embedded in the ".SOGoHTMLMail-CSS-Delimiter" class. 2007-02-21 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([SOGoContentObject -rolesOfUser:logininContext:context]): if object does not exists (for example when it's being created), the current user has the same rights on it than he/she has on its parent container. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -nameExistsInFolder:objectName]): methods that tests if a c_name corresponding to the name passed as parameter is present in the db folder. 2007-02-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m ([SOGoUser -rolesForObject:objectinContext:context]): test for "rolesOfUser:inContext:" in addition to "roleOfUser:...". * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -rolesOfUser:logininContext:context]): returns the roles of the user on the container object if the event is uncreated. 2007-02-15 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailRenderingContext.m: returns the alternativeViewer a multipart/related message is being handled. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartHTMLViewer.m: reimplemented module from scratch. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartAlternativeViewer.m: select the text/html component before text/plain. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -addRequiredKeysOfStructure:path:toArray:recurse:]): accepts the fetching of HTML parts. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -componentTag]): new template method that returns the vcalendar tag of the current object. ([SOGoCalendarComponent -component]): new method that returns the first object matching [self componentTag] within the current calendar object. This method replaces 'firstEventInCalendar:' as well as "firstTaskInCalendar:". ([SOGoCalendarComponent -roleOfUser:logininContext:context]): moved method from SOGoAppointmentObject.m. 2007-02-13 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMulticolumnDayView.[hm]: new daily view module which shows each selected user's calendar in a different column instead of mixing their events together. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalView.m ([UIxCalView -redirectForUIDsAction]): replaced use of [NSString stringByTrimmingWhiteSpaces] with [NSString stringByTrimmingSpaces]. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartICalViewer.m: request the key "cnWithoutQuotes" instead of "cnForDisplay", which no longer exists. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayOverview.m, UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayChartview.m, UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayListview.m, UI/Scheduler/UIxCalWeekOverview.m, UI/Scheduler/UIxCalWeekChartview.m, UI/Scheduler/UIxCalWeekListview.m, UI/Scheduler/UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.m, UI/Scheduler/UIxCalYearOverview.m: removed unused modules. 2007-02-09 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -appendPersonalSourcesInContext:context]): release connectoin channel when everything is done. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -newAbAction]): new action method to crate a new contact folder from the web UI. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m ([SOGoFolder -create]): new method that requests the folder manager to create a folder table with the specified type at the specified path. The type is taken from [self folderType]. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -folderType]): implemented. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -folderType]): implemented. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -appendPersonalSourcesInContext:context]): we now fetch all folders with type "Contact" that belong to the current user. ([SOGoContactFolders -newFolderWithName:name]): new method to create a new contact folder. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -userFolderPath]): treat resulting url with [NSString+Utilities hostlessURL] instead of using NSURL. This is because the url in question sometimes has a hostname and sometimes not. "hostlessURL" ensure the hostname is removed anyway. ([UIxComponent -applicationPath]): same as above. 2007-02-08 Ludovic Marcotte * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.m: priorize the lookup of folders before doing the one on messages. 2007-02-08 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.m: added an implementation of makeObjectsPerform:withObject:withObject: for GNUstep compatibility. * OGoContentStore/GNUmakefile, Protocols/common.make, SoObjects/common.make, UI/common.make: install in GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR instead of GNUSTEP_USER_DIR. 2007-02-07 Ludovic Marcotte * UI/Scheduler/English.lproj/Localizable.strings: fixed typo for "Agendas" 2007-02-05 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailTree.m ([UIxMailTree -getTitle:folderType:andIcon:forObject:]): disabled Sieve folders for the moment. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAuthenticator.m ([SOGoAuthenticator -checkLogin:_loginpassword:_pwd]): fixed a bug where a wrong password would be accepted anyway as long as its length was > 0. This can be the case ONLY when LDAP is disabled otherwise we have a serious security issue... * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m ([SOGoAppointmentObject -roleOfUser:logininContext:context]): if a user is not an organizer nor a participant, he is declared as "Owner" if he owns the calendar the entry where the entry is contained. Other cases should not be possible. 2007-02-02 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m: display and handle the new Freebusy URL entry. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -_searchAttributes]): retrieve "calFBURL" from the server. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry -vCard]): put the LDAP "calFBURL" field in the vCard's "FBURL" entry. 2007-01-31 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.m ([SOGoCalendarComponent -sendEMailNotifications]): new method that returns the value of ud "SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications" (iMIP/iTIP). ([SOGoCalendarComponent -sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed:_pageNameforOldObject:_oldObjectandNewObject:_newObjecttoAttendees:_attendees]): method moved from SOGoAppointmentObject/SOGoTaskObject, replacing occurences of "appointment" to "object" in its name. 2007-01-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -defaultAction]): invoke "flushMailCaches" on [self clientObject] so that the mailbox cache is refreshed everytime the user presses on "get mail". I doubt a mailbox cache really is useful in general anyway. 2007-01-26 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAuthenticator.m ([SOGoAuthenticator -userInContext:]): if the lookup is on "freebusy.ifb" and the username is "anonymous" the user is automatically set to "freebusy". 2007-01-12 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAuthenticator.m ([SOGoAuthenticator -checkLogin:_loginpassword:_pwd]): authorize special "freebusy" user with password "freebusy". * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoFreeBusyObject.m ([SOGoFreeBusyObject -contentAsString]): the default timerange is now 14 days before currentday and 1 month after. 2007-01-08 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -appendObject:objectwithBaseURL:baseURLtoREPORTResponse:r]): escape the record string in a way suitable with XML encoding. 2007-01-05 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: fixed a bug where the calendar view would not be updated properly. 2007-01-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -newStartDate]): fix the handling of the component start date depending on the "hm" and the "day" parameters. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m ([SOGoUserFolder -roleOfUser:uidinContext:context]): set role of current user to "Assistant" if the object that is accessed is "freebusy.ifb". * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -lookupCalendarFolderForUID:uid]): method moved from UI/Scheduler/UIxCalView:calendarFolderForUID:. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -lookupCalendarFoldersForUIDs:_uidsinContext:]): now use the new lookupCalendarFolderForUID: method, which doesn't do security checks. 2007-01-03 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.m ([UIxAclEditor -assistantsValue]): new accessor that returns the comma-separated list of users with role "Assistant". ([UIxAclEditor -delegatesValue]): same as above for "Delegate". ([UIxAclEditor -_prepareUsers]): there is no longer a concept of "checkedUsers". Instead, each user is either classified in the list of assistants or the list of delegates. 2006-12-22 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.m ([UIxMailMainFrame -composeAction]): method imported from removed container modules. ([UIxMailMainFrame -mailFolderName]): method imported from removed container modules. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailPopupView.m: a new special popup component for wrapping UIxMailView with the "popupview" action. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountView.m: renamed to UIxMailSplashView, since its the component that displays the same splash screen than the one in Thunderbird/Icedove. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountViewContainer.[hm], UI/MailerUI/UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountsView.m, UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListViewContainer.[hm], UI/MailerUI/UIxMailViewContainer.[hm]: removed 2006-12-20 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/HTMLElement.js: replaced the functional selectNode() and deselectNode() functions with select() and deselect() methods of HTMLElement. * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: cleanup, most of the events are initialized from here now instead of in the HTML code. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -checkRightsAction]): new method similar to the one with the same name in UIxCalMainView.m. * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.m ([UIxAclEditor -saveAclsAction]): added code to handle the publishing of freebusy information. 2006-12-19 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.m ([UIxCalMainView -checkRightsAction]): new action method that returns a comma-separated list of boolean values matching the right of the current user to "view" (as a permission) each foreign calendar stored in his preferences. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -setOwner:newOwner]): new method that sets a customOwner, which can be returned with ownerInContext it set. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchFields:_fieldsfromFolder:_folderfrom:_startDateto:_endDatecomponent:_component]): no longer set the owner of elements here. 2006-12-15 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m: same as for SOGoContactFolders below, but for the Contacts and Calendar collections. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAclsFolder.m: convert the class to user the new acl facilities method from sope-gdl/GCSFolder.m. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -roleOfUser:uidinContext:context]): new method that returns SOGoRole_Assistant when the user is an assistant or a delegate on the "personal" ab object. This is so that setting roles on the SOGoContactFolders object is not required. 2006-12-14 Wolfgang Sourdeau * Main/SOGo.m: declare "Freebusy" permissions for the top objects. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsAclsSelection.m: new component specific to the handling of the user selection for the acls. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoPermissions.[hm]: new module that extends the values from SoPermissions with ones specific to SOGo. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAclsFolder.[hm]: new class module that handles the storage for the acls. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoCalendarComponent.[hm]: new parent class for SOGoAppointmentObject and SOGoTaskObject. * UI/Common/UIxAclEditor.[hm]: new component that provides a general editor for folder acls. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+Utilities.[hm]: old "NSString+URL" renamed. ([NSString -davMethodToObjC]): method that returns the method name for a DAV property implementation. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.m: new extension module to NSArray. ([NSArray -stringsWithFormat:format]): new method that returns formatted occurences of the strings stored in the array. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoDAVRendererTypes.m ([SOGoDAVSet +davSetWithArray:newValuesofValuesTaggedAs:newValueTag]): a new subclass module of SoWebDAVValue that supports collections of properties of the same type. 2006-11-21 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.m ([SOGoMailAccount -lookupFolder:ofClassNamed:inContext:]): added the ability to configure the name of the SOGoDraftFolders with the ud var "SOGoDraftsFolderName". 2006-11-17 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -userTimeZone:username]): new method that returns the timezone for the specified user depending on his preferences and the server defaults * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -stringForData:partInfo:]): take the encoding into account and translate the text to "normal" before processing the charset data. 2006-11-15 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: the progress indicator is on when loading the page so we turn it off, and we turn it back on whenever we switch to another module... * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: make sure the day view synchronization mechanism works everywhere. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: the log window is not only visible when UIxDebugEnabled is set. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: the month overview's day cells are now initialized with the DOM event interface methods instead of with html attributes. * UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailView.wox: don't display useless headers (should be made configurable at some point)... * OGoContentStore/sql/generate-folderinfo-sql-for-users.sh: drop "not null" constraint on startdate, enddate, isopaque, participants and partmails. 2006-11-14 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayTable.m ([UIxCalDayTable -hoursToDisplay]): prevent a crash by retaining the "hoursToDisplay" array after it's created. ([UIxCalDayTable -clickableHourCellClass]): new method for the new clickable hours DIV. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: made the event participation status modification asynchronous, which also fixes a bug where the window would sometimes close before the accept or decline action was completed. Also, adapted the event handling related to the days or weeks view with the new DIV-based layout. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalInlineAptView.m: same as the first below... * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayTable.m: enhanced to provide the new DIV-based presentation of the days and weeks. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoTaskObject.m: same as below... * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m: lookupName:... might return an exception so we have to handle it if we don't wanna crash... 2006-11-13 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: updated the list initialization code to use the new event management scheme, adding what was missing to be able to delete events and tasks again. * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: added code to activate the "Get mails" button. Fixed a bug which prevented messages to be deleted. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxFreeBusyUserSelector.js: handle tab navigation and focus handling of INPUTs. 2006-11-10 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: added code to handle the possible drag and drop events to manager in the mail module. Moving messages, opening parent folders, ... * UI/WebServerResources/SOGoDragAndDrop.js: new file containing the drag and drop manager as well as the interface to HTMLElement to trigger drag and drop events. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailView.m ([UIxMailView -moveAction]): new action to move the current message to the mailbox named after the value of parameter "tofolder". * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoMailObject.m ([SOGoMailObject -moveToFolderNamed:folderNameinContext:]): new method base on -trashInContext:. 2006-11-09 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added and activated many "load" handlers to configure generic widgets used across the modules. More events are now handled in a DOM-fashion way instead of by setting the relative attributes in the templates. * UI/Templates/UIxSortableTableHeader.wox: all the events are declared from the javascript DOM onload handlers. * UI/Templates/UIxPageFrame.wox: load the new SOGoDragHandles.js library. * UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.wox: all the events are declared from the javascript DOM onload handlers. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m: removed all the JS methods since we want everything to be separated from each other, as much as possible. * UI/WebServerResources/SOGoDragHandles.js: new module containing the "SOGoDragHandlesInterface", implementing methods that can be attributed to DIV so that they can be used as drag handles. * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([NSString -asQPSubjectString]): initialize the tmp strings with '0' to make sure they don't contain garbage. 2006-11-08 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: register the messageList table as a dragging source and the leaf of the navigation tree as dnd destinations to the DNDManager. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: initialize tabs from the "unload" event listener that is added programmatically instead of from the template... Also, added the new DNDManager object. * UI/WebServerResources/HTMLTableElement.js: added code to simulate XUL drag n drop events. This code will possibly be moved to HTMLElement.js instead later... * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -_qualifierForFilter:filter]): same as below. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -_qualifierForFilter:filter]): only search records which starts with the specified pattern. 2006-11-07 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoDraftObject.m ([NSString -asQPSubjectString]): new method that returns the special QP string with its qp declaration for email subjects. ([SOGoDraftObject -bodyPartForText]) ([SOGoDraftObject -mimeMessageForContentWithHeaderMap:]): don't double-encode data in UTF-8. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -newStartDate]): new method to determine the start date depending on the URL parameters, the current day and the current time. ([UIxComponentEditor -toolbar]): new method to determine the filename of the toolbar that should be drawn depending on the ownership and the list of attendees of the task/event wrt to the current user... * UI/Scheduler/UIxTimeDateControl.m ([UIxTimeDateControl -setDayStartHour:aStartHour]): adjust the minutes to the next quarter of hour, if not already set to a quarter. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxAppointmentEditor.js, UI/WebServerResources/UIxTaskEditor.js: added code to manage start date change. 2006-11-03 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -loadValuesFromComponent:component]): handles access class (privacy) and status. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewContainer.m ([UIxContactsListViewContainer -additionalFolders]): return nil if [self additionalAddressBooks] returns an empty string. 2006-11-02 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMonthView.m ([UIxCalMonthView rangesOf7Days]): enhanced and debugged algorithm to feed the array with slices where the first day is still in the requested month. * UI/Templates/UIxPageFrame.wox: the logConsole is created only on non-popup pages. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoAptFormatter.m: added code to handle the display of events in the day boxes of the calendar's monthly view. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoTaskObject.m ([SOGoTaskObject -davContentType]): declare "text/calendar". * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m ([SOGoAppointmentObject -davContentType]): declare "text/calendar". * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -lookupName:inContext:acquire:]): certain HTTP methods are handled by SOPE and requires nil to be returned, this method now invokes the new "requestNamedIsHandledLater:inContext:" method to check that. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -requestNamedIsHandledLater:nameinContext:context]): new methods that returns "YES" only for the "OPTIONS" http method (for now...). ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -davComplianceClassesInContext:]): overloaded method to append the "access-control" and "calendar-access" DAV abilities to the initial declaration. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMonthView.[hm]: rewritten module entirely to imitate the look of Sunbird/Lightning's monthly view. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMonthView.[hm]: renamed to UIxCalMonthViewOld.[hm]. 2006-11-01 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxFreeBusyUserSelectorTable.m ([UIxFreeBusyUserSelectorTable -currentContactHasStatus]): new method. ([UIxFreeBusyUserSelectorTable -currentContactStatusImage]): returns an image name based on the participation status of the current attendee. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: same strip down as for generic.js below. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewContainer.m ([UIxContactsListViewContainer -additionalAddressBooks]) ([UIxContactsListViewContainer -additionalFolders]) ([UIxContactsListViewContainer -setCurrentAdditionalFolder:newCurrentAdditionalFolder]) ([UIxContactsListViewContainer -currentAdditionalFolder]): new methods to handle the external addressbooks a user has subscribed too, by retriving them from his preferences. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -updateAdditionalAddressBooksAction]): new method that updates the user settings with the list of addressbook he has subscribed to. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsAddressBooksSelection.m: new component module for the address book selector. * UI/Templates/ContactsUI/UIxContactsListViewContainer.wox: added a toolbar with two buttons ("add" and "remove") to manage the additional addressbooks a user might subscribe to. * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: added code to handle "external addressbooks" from the Javascript point-of-view, by extending existing methods and adding code for the "add ab" and "remove ab" buttons. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: moved extensions methods to DOM elements to separate files for better clarity. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -pageContentClasses]): new method that returns "pageContent" as class, but also "popup" for the DIV where the page content lies, so that we can manipulate the content of popup's with CSS identifiers. 2006-10-31 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalInlineAptView.m ([UIxCalInlineAptView -displayStyle]): new method that returns a string containing the css style relative to the current appointment cell. This code is currently inactive but might be reused later. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: added code to handle the display of the selected day (the day pointed by the mouse, or the current day when changing the view). * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayTable.m ([UIxCalDayTable -dayCellClasses]): new method that returns a string containing the css classes applicable to the current cell, depending on the position of the day in the week, the day of today and the requested day. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalCalendarsListView.m ([UIxCalCalendarsListView -currentContactAptBorder]): new method that returns the appropriate border color for the specified user. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m ([SOGoAppointmentObject -saveContentString:contentStringbaseVersion:baseVersion]): overloaded method that parse new events and detects if they have an organizer or not. If they are new and have no organizer set (Sunbird/Lightning...), the owner of the event is set as organizer. * SoObjects/Appointments/iCalEntityObject+Agenor.[hm]: new category that provides facility methods and interfaces to the AgenorUserManager. * SoObjects/Contacts/product.plist: give full access to ANY authenticated user, not just the owner (to every objects...). 2006-10-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/UIxFreeBusyUserSelector.js: make sure every replica widgets are declared as such to their master counterpart. Take the days into account when displaying the time range taken by the appointment. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponent+Agenor.m ([UIxComponent -getICalPersonsFromValue:selectorValue]): method taken from UIxFreeBusyUserSelector, that is shared both by UIxFreeBusyUserSelector and UIxFreeBusyUserSelectorTable. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchFields:_fieldsfromFolder:_folderfrom:_startDateto:_endDatecomponent:_component]): reverted to search algorithm to search for events happening outside 0 or 1 (at most) boundary of the timerange. * UI/Scheduler/UIxFreeBusyUserSelectorTable.[hm]: new subcomponent derived and taken as a subset of UIxFreeBusyUserSelector that implements the table part of the FreeBusy view. Most of the methods of UIxFreeBusyUserSelector relative to that table were moved into UIxFreeBusyUserSelectorTable, which can also be used as a standalone view for AJAX operations. 2006-10-27 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry -vCard]): change reverted. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m: check whether the client contact folder has selector "globallyUniqueObjectId" before calling that method. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry -vCard]): the "setVClass" NGVCard method really is "setClass" instead. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -_searchAttributes]): fixed typo to request the "streetAddress" instead of the "streetaddress". ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -_qualifierForFilter:filter]): lookup mails that *contain*, and not just *start with* the search pattern. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry -vCard]): mark address returned from LDAP as the work address. * UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxCalInlineAptView.wox: made the whole span covered with the anchor, not only the textual information within. * UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxCalMainView.wox: specify the type argument (event or task) to newEvent in the appointmentListMenu. Make the appointmentsListView display the appointmentsListMenu. * UI/SOGoUI/SOGoAptFormatter.m: enlarge the text size limit from 12 to 50 before displaying "...". ([SOGoAptFormatter -fullDetailsForApt::]): display location only if its length > 0, whether location itself is nil or not... ([SOGoAptFormatter -tooltipForApt::_refDate]): display information of which the length > 0. 2006-10-26 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/UIxAppointmentEditor.js: correctly handles french and ISO dates. * UI/Scheduler/UIxFreeBusyUserSelector.[hm]: added code an ivars from UIxContactSelector to handle contact lists (current and additional contacts). * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage -_freeBusyAsText]): added handling of an "additional"-named query parameter that describe the number of additional days after enddate that should be returned. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -_responseForResults:results]): give priority to results with "c_uid" fields. If none returned, use the first contact received. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromEvent:_event]): changed "TENTATIVE" code to 2 and "CANCELLED" to 0. 2006-10-25 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/UIxAppointmentEditor.js: handle conversion of start and end dates to short string dates. * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.m ([SOGoUserHomePage -readFreeBusyAction]): new method that returns an array of numbers corresponding to the state in the freebusy of each "quarter of an hour" between the "sday" and "eday" date parameters passed in the url. This permits to handle the display of the freebusy with Ajax mechanisms. ([SOGoUserHomePage -_freeBusyAsText]): add 2 days to the end date since the free busy displays 2 days ahead. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -contactSearchAction]): new action that returns the uid and the username + email of the user whose name contain the value of the "search" url parameter. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchFreebusyInfosFrom:_startDateto:_endDate]): added fields useful for the computing of the status of the freebusy. * UI/Scheduler/UIxFreeBusyUserSelector.m ([UIxFreeBusyUserSelector -init]): new component that incarnates a user selector for events inspired by the new one found in Thunderbird Lightning. 2006-10-23 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added code to enable or disable anchor visually (following our internal algorithm). * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -init]): added new "url" ivar with its classic accessors. ([UIxComponentEditor -urlButtonClasses]): new method that returns the class strings for the url button on the appointment/task editor (depending on the validity of the url). * UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxTaskEditor.wox, UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: start rewriting the template to match the Lightning's new task/appointment editor. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -saveValuesIntoAppointment:_appointment]): initialize url from the components'url. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m ([UIxTaskEditor -saveValuesIntoTask:_task]): initialize url from the components'url. 2006-10-20 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -lookupContactsWithFilter:filtersortBy:sortKeyordering:sortOrdering]): perform the searchs on objects which start with instead of contain the lookup key. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAptMailNotification.[hm]: work on iCalEntityObject instances instead of just iCalEvent's. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchFields:_fieldsfromFolder:_folderfrom:_startDateto:_endDatecomponent:_component]): set ownership of returned records by adding an "owner" key to the resulting dictionaries. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSObject+Owner.[hm]: removed module since it's a bad way of handling ownership that way. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -_qualifierForFilter:filter]): search also on "cn", just like Mozilla. 2006-10-19 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailToSelection.m ([UIxMailToSelection -to]): "to" should be retained, otherwise it will be autoreleased and a crash will occur. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m ([UIxContactEditor -writeAction]): updated method to fetch the card before initing the snapshot. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromTodo:_task]): fixed to use NSNull instead of NSNotFound. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m ([UIxTaskEditor -iCalStringTemplate]): start and due date are now optional. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTimeDateControl.m ([UIxTimeDateControl -setDayStartHour:aStartHour]): added a new "isDisabled" ivar with appropriate accessors to be settable through the templates. * UI/Scheduler/UIxDatePicker.m ([UIxDatePicker -init]): added a new "isDisabled" ivar with appropriate accessors to be settable through the templates. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.m ([UIxComponentEditor -availableCalendars]): new method that list the calendars to which the user has subscribed. ([UIxComponentEditor -componentOwner]): returns the owner of the editted object. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromTodo:_task]): set the start and enddate of quickentries to null whenever each or all of them are null, by providing an impossible timestamp from with NSNotFound as value. 2006-10-18 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/UIxMailEditor.js: update the algorithm that handles the creation of new fields with the new APIs and the new node structure on the page. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m, UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m: refactored to user UIxComponentEditor as parent class. * UI/Scheduler/UIxComponentEditor.[hm]: new class module containing the methods common to the UIxTaskEditor and the UIxAppointmentEditor. 2006-10-17 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -doCalendarQuery:context]): now supports the handling of time-ranges. * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: specify a notification type as parameters when onConfirmContactSelection in invoked. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: specify a notification type as parameters when onContactRemove in invoked. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: when the user deselects all calendars, select his entry. 2006-10-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: edit and delete events with their owner-relative urls. Generate a correct entry in the css color table when a user is added to the calendars list. Put the same color next to the user id. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: implemented some new helper methods. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -deleteEntriesWithIds:ids]): don't delete entries if their owner is not the current user. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalInlineAptView.m ([UIxCalInlineAptView -displayClasses]): return the correct class for the current event representation depending on its owner. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalCalendarsListView.m: added method to create and associate a color for each user login depending on its position in the list. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalAptListView.m ([UIxCalAptListView -currentRowCSSClass]): return the correct class for the current row depending on the owner of the event. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactSelector.m ([UIxContactSelector -setColors:colors]): new method to associate a color table with each user in the list. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchFields:_fieldsfromFolder:_folderfrom:_startDateto:_endDatecomponent:_component]): associate each returned record with the owner of the table they are retrieved from. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSObject+Owner.[hm]: new extension module to NSObject to associate an instance with a user. 2006-10-13 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: added handling of multiple calendars. * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: added handling of notification of changes to contact selectors. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added handling of notification of changes to contact selectors. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.m ([UIxCalMainView -updateCalendarsAction]): proxy method to update the user preference table with the new selected calendar uids. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.m ([UIxContactsListView -calendarsContactsAction]): new method. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactSelector.m ([UIxContactSelector -setCheckedBoxes:boxes]) ([UIxContactSelector -setHasCheckBoxes:aBool]) ([UIxContactSelector -isCheckBoxChecked]): new accessors method to permit the drawing of checkboxes instead of card icons. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalCalendarsListView.m: new component class that wrap a selector the the "Calendars" tab. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsCalendarsSelection.m: buttons for the new user calendar selector. 2006-10-12 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: time ranges may cover hour 0 to hour 23. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -iCalStringFromQueryParameter:format:]): dates explicitly set to utc tz. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: manage both lists of objects wrt to the toolbar actions. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added code to the "String" class to decode number-encoded char entities. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.m ([UIxCalMainView -batchDeleteAction]): new method to delete selected entries in the lists. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -deleteEntriesWithIds:ids]): new method that delete identified entries in batch. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -jsCloseWithRefreshMethod:methodName]): new method with explicit purpose. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.m ([UIxTaskEditor -saveAction]), UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -saveAction]), UI/MailerUI/UIxMailEditor.m ([UIxMailEditor -sendAction]), UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m ([UIxContactEditor -saveAction]): return a UIxJSClose component if everything went fine. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.h: interface extracted from UIxTaskEditor.m. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.h: interface extracted from UIxAppointmentEditor.m. * UI/Common/UIxJSClose.[hm]: new UIxComponent designed to display a very light page with javascript code to close a window, by calling a method on the opener if specified. This component is designed to work as a response to form postings. 2006-10-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoTaskObject.[hm]: clone of SOGoAppointmentObject adapted for the handling of tasks. * SoObjects/Appointments/NSArray+Appointments.[hm]: category extracted from SOGoAppointmentObject. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m ([UIxAppointmentEditor -saveUrl]): returns the url needed to POST the new form to. redirect the user to /editAsAppointment instead of /edit, so that SOGoAppointmentFolder can return the correct object type. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSObject+AptComparison.m ([NSObject -compareAptsAscending:_other]): accept empty start or end dates. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchFields:_fieldsfromFolder:_folderfrom:_startDateto:_endDatecomponent:_component]): added a "component" parameter to match the query against the specified component types. Made startDate and endDate optional by ignoring them altogether in the query whenever one of them is nil. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -doCalendarQuery:context]): fetch components of type "vtodo" as well as "vevent". ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -lookupName:inContext:acquire:]): if the url specified ends with AsTask or AsAppointment, returns the an object of the appropriate class, otherwise deduce it from its content if the HTTP method is "PUT", otherwise read its type from the quick table. * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m ([OCSiCalFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromTodo:_task]): extract quick fields from tasks. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalView.m ([UIxCalView -fetchCoreAppointmentsInfos]): replacement methods for fetchCoreInfos but by retrieving object with component "vevent". ([UIxCalView -fetchCoreTasksInfos]): same as above for "vtodo" components. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalTasksListView.[hm]: clone of UIxCalAptListView adapted for the handling of tasks. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskProposal.[hm], UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskView.[hm], UI/Scheduler/UIxTaskEditor.[hm]: clones of the UIxAppointment* classes for the handling of tasks. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxTaskEditor.js: clone of UIxAppointmentEditor adapted for the handling of tasks. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: added support for tasks. Scroll the daily view to the appropriate hour when an appointment is selected in the appointments list. 2006-10-05 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxTimeDateControl.m ([UIxTimeDateControl -setDayStartHour:aStartHour]): specifies the user timezone on the given date. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m: indicate DTSTAMP with "GMT" as timezone. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSCalendarDate+SOGo.m ([NSCalendarDate -adjustedDate]) ([NSCalendarDate -driftedDate]): methods made useless by a better comprehension of the NSTimeZone API... 2006-10-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -selectedDate]): call new methods from the NSCalendarDate methods. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSCalendarDate+SOGo.m: module replacing and extending UI/Scheduler/NSCalendarDate+Scheduler.m. ([NSCalendarDate +dateFromShortDateString:dateStringandShortTimeString:timeStringinTimeZone:timeZone]): new method that generates a date from two short string formatted as follow: "yyyymmdd" and "hhmm". Thismethod replaces a similar method from UIxComponent (noted below). ([NSCalendarDate -adjustedDate]): this method returns another instance set to the correct hour after the original date was set from a non-GMT timezone. This date can be used for storage. ([NSCalendarDate -driftedDate]): this method does exactly the opposite of -adjutedDate, that is, it enables the method hourOfDay, minuteOfHour etc... to return the values according to the original date's timezone. This date CANNOT be used for storage. * UI/Scheduler/NSCalendarDate+Scheduler.m ([NSCalendarDate -shortDateString]): new method that will return a "short date string" (yyyymmdd) from a calendar date object. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -_cDateFromShortDateString:dateStringandShortTimeString:timeString]): new method to compute the selected date from the "day" and "hm" query parameters (if found). This method replaces the old algorithm that was found in the "selectedDate" method. * Main/sogod.m (main): initialize the NSTimeZone's defaultTimeZone to the value of SOGoServerTimeZone or "Canada/Eastern" if not found. 2006-10-03 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: added code to scroll the view of the day at the height of hour 8:00. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalView.m ([UIxCalView -dayStartHour]): returns 0. ([UIxCalView -dayEndHour]): returns 24. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -defaultAction]) ([UIxContactFoldersView -newAction]): invoke _selectActionForApplication: on self with the proper attribute too. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsSelectionViewContainer.m: removed since we now use the action mechanism in UIxContactsListView to keep the same view for the contact selectors and the regular contact view. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewContainer.[hm]: replaces UIxContactsListViewContainerBase.[hm] * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListView.[hm]: replaces UIxContactsListViewBase.[hm] * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: generalized emailstring handling functions. Generalized address book access functions. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewBase.m ([UIxContactsListViewBase -isPopup]): return YES if the "popup" query parameter is set. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -defaultAction]): keep the url parameters when redirecting. ([UIxContactFoldersView -selectForSchedulerAction]) ([UIxContactFoldersView -selectForMailerAction]): new action methods for the /scheduler-contacts and /mailer-contacts invocations. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m: compose the action url using the newly available NSString+URL category. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSDictionary+URL.m ([NSDictionary -asURLParameters]): handle dictionary entries which could be instances of NSArray rather than NSString. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+URL.m ([NSString -composeURLWithAction:actionparameters:urlParametersandHash:useHash]): when composing the url, remove the encoded parameters first since they will be added later. ([NSString -urlWithoutParameters]): new method that returns the url without its parameters. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+iCal.h: deleted obsolete file. * SoObjects/SOGo/NSDictionary+URL.[hm], UI/SOGoUI/NSString+URL.[hm]: moved from UI/SOGoUI/. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxMailEditor.js: add support for additions of different types (to, cc, bcc) of recipients from the address book. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -doctype]): added the " * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: hide the current contact whenever the user changes of contact folder. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxContactEditor.js: the contact UID is now provided by the template when loading the page. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserManager.m ([AgenorUserManager -iCalPersonWithUid:uid]): new method taken from removed module 'iCalPerson+UIx'; 2006-09-28 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentView.m ([UIxAppointmentView -categoriesAsString]): same as below. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m: adapted by using the new vcalendar API's iCalEvent instead of the removed SOGoAppointment. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m ([SOGoAppointmentObject -calendarFromContent:cnt]): new helper method. ([SOGoAppointmentObject -firstEventFromCalendar:calendar]): new helper method. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -doCalendarQuery:context]): added a hackish test to detect whether the request concernes VEVENT's or anything else. Return events only in the former case. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -fetchOverviewInfosFrom:_startDateto:_endDate]): retrieve the c_name quickfield so that the calendar list can identify the appointments with their complete "filename". * OGoContentStore/OCSiCalFieldExtractor.m: use CardGroup's groupsOfClass:fromSource: to parse the given vcalendar. * UI/Scheduler/iCalRecurrenceRule+SOGo.m: removed obsolete class. * UI/Scheduler/SOGoAppointment+UIx.h: removed obsolete class. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAppointmentICalRenderer.[hm]: removed obsolete class. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAppointment.[hm]: removed obsolete class. 2006-09-26 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -lookupName:inContext:acquire:]): be sensitive to the CalDAV method names. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -doCalendarQuery:context]): method for the "calendar-query" CalDAV method name. * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: removed a lot of useless code coming originally from MailerUI.js. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxContactEditor.js: imitate the Thunderbird address book by completing the display name with the content of the first and last name fields, until the display name is modified manually. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added a "trim" method to the String class. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewBase.m ([UIxContactsListViewBase -displayName]): new method that returns the display name from "cn" or from the "displayName" key if found. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m ([UIxContactEditor -initSnapshot]): check if "[card n]" returns anything to avoid a crash. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -doctype]): new method that returns an unparsed doctype definition for the pages. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry -vCard]): set the card's fn to attribute "displayName" if found before "cn". 2006-09-20 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry -vCard]): handle the "streetAddress" and "l" fields. * UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailEditor.wox: arranged the message header fields by converting the tables to DIVs and SPANs. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.css: attempted unification of font families and size across all the elements. changed the logConsole's "position" from "fixed" to "absolute" to avoid performance issues. 2006-09-19 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js (uixDeleteSelectedContacts): empty the contact view when the current contact is being deleted. * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js (newContactFromEmail): fully parse the email field and provide the address full name if found as the "contactFN" parameter. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js (openMailTo): do not give a name to the opened window so that serveral ones can be opened at the same time. * UI/MailPartViewers/UIxMailPartTextViewer.m ([UIxMailPartTextViewer -flatContentAsString]): override method by replacing carriage returns with "
" in the result string from super's implementation. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.m ([UIxContactView -_urlOfType:aType]): don't manage non-mailto urls through javascript, let the user decide what's best for him. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -newAction]): transfer all the query parameters by using the "asURLParameters"'s result string from [self queryParameters]. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m ([UIxContactEditor -initSnapshot]): retrieve "contactEmail" and "contactFN" from the query parameters and put their values (if any) into the snapshot. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.m ([UIxContactView -note]): convert carriage-returns to "
". ([UIxContactView -workCompany]): explicitly initialize company to nil if org is nil or empty. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxContactEditor.js: updated validation code after we added and renamed some fields. * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: added code to cache contact cards and to handle card updates. 2006-09-18 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.m ([UIxContactView -hasOtherInfos]): test the length of the returned string since they will never be nil. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m ([UIxContactEditor -saveAction]): return self if the process went successful, returns an exception otherwise (and only otherwise...). * OGoContentStore/OCSContactFieldExtractor.m ([OCSContactFieldExtractor -extractQuickFieldsFromVCard:_vCard]): adapted method to the new VCard api. Since the cards are stored in vcard format, we no longer deal with a dictionary but with a NGVCard object... 2006-09-15 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.m ([UIxContactView -preferredEmail]): return a string with a "mailto" url. ([UIxContactView -_urlOfType:aType]): generic method to return a url string with a html anchor pointing to it. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.[hm]: UIxContactEditorBase renamed since subclass "UIxContactEditor" did nothing. Implemented code to display and modify the values parsed from the vcards, displayed in a way similar to the Thunderbird addressbook. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry -save]): new dummy method. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSEntry.m ([SOGoContactGCSEntry -save]): made method void. 2006-09-13 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.m: added many wrapper methods to display blocks of data à la Thunderbird Addressbook. If data is available, those wrappers (around the NGVCard methods) will enclose the results in a proper HTML output with the correct label (if present), otherwise it will return an empty string. ([UIxContactView -vcardAction]): new action to return the contact as text/vcard (for exporting). * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.m ([SOGoContactLDAPEntry +contactEntryWithName:aNamewithLDAPEntry:anEntryinContainer:aContainer]): adapted the mapping of the LDIF data with the new NGVCard API. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSEntry.m ([SOGoContactGCSEntry -vCard]): create a new NGVCard instance when no data is available and retain it. ([SOGoContactGCSEntry -save]): save the vCard using the new "versitString" API method/message. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.h: separated interface from UIxContactView.m. * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: add-ed code to download card views and display them beneath the list. 2006-09-08 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -userTimeZone]): retain the timezone even when it's the server timezone. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m ([SOGoUserFolder -privateContacts:inContext:]): no long configure the calendar object with the user's timezone since it's now accessible application-wide throught the SOGoObject methods. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.[hm]: removed the "viewTimeZone" ivar and method. Removed the "backendTimeZone" method. * UI/MainUI/SOGoUserHomePage.[hm]: made a subclass of UIxComponent instead of SoComponent. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m: ([SOGoAppointmentObject -viewTimeZoneForPerson:_person]): returns [self serverTimeZone] instead of "EST" (which was removed). * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.[hm]: removed the "timeZone" ivar and its accessors. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject -serverTimeZone]): new centralized method returing the timezone configured in the userdefaults db or "Canada/Eastern" if missing. ([SOGoObject -userTimeZone]): new centralized method returing the timezone of the current user or the server timezone if missing from the user configuration table. 2006-09-07 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: implemented caching of date selectors. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -userFolderPath]): return a path based on the object's context instead of the first level in SOGo's object hierarchy... 2006-09-06 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxCalDayTable.wox: day columns can now be clicked. * UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxCalDateSelector.wox: pass the user's timezone ([self viewTimeZone]) to the WEMonthOverview component to avoid a confusion with the days. * UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxCalInlineAptView.wox: appointments can now be clicked. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: implemented a mechanism to imitate Sunbird's synchronization between the 3 visible views. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -selectedDate]): make sure the numbers in dateString are formatted so as to take 4 chars for the year and 2 for the day and the month, otherwise NSCalendarDate will return a nil date. ([UIxComponent -applicationPath]): return a path based on the object's context instead of the second level in SOGo's object hierarchy... 2006-09-05 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -selectedDate]): add the user's timezone abbreviation to the date string passed as parameter to NSCalendarDate to generate an accurate date instance. Do the same when no date is specified and today is chosen. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxAppointmentEditor.js: convert the form's time values to integers before comparing them. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalAptListView.m ([UIxCalAptListView -currentStartTime]) ([UIxCalAptListView -currentEndTime]): initialize the resulting dates timezone with [self viewTimeZone]. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -init]): new "viewTimeZone" ivar destined to hold an instance of the user's timezone in memory. ([UIxComponent -viewTimeZone]): take the timezone from the user's prefs. 2006-08-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Templates/SchedulerUI/UIxAppointmentEditor.wox: completely rearranged the layout. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxAppointmentEditor.js: added code to manage showing and hiding appointment details. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m ([SOGoUserFolder -privateContacts:inContext:]): init the SOGoAppointmentFolder's timezone by taking the current user's timezone setting. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAptMailNotification.m: same as below. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m ([SOGoAppointmentObject -changeParticipationStatus:inContext:]): set default timezone to EST, although this code should be rewritten to handle a system and a user default value. * UI/Scheduler/UIxTimeDateControl.m ([UIxTimeDateControl -takeValuesFromRequest:_rqinContext:_ctx]): enhanced method to take the values from the hour and minute INPUTs when data is POSTed since we no longer use the UIxTimeSelector component. ([UIxTimeDateControl -selectableHours]) ([UIxTimeDateControl -selectableMinutes]): new methods used by the template SELECTs to display reasonable and acceptable values instead of all the possibilities. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: adapted code for the new implementation of the UIxContactSelector component (added a "remove" button, removed the previous INPUT and replaced them with links of class "button"). * UI/Scheduler/UIxTimeDateControl.h: separated interface from UIxTimeDateControl.m. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayTable.m ([UIxCalDayTable -currentAppointmentDay]) ([UIxCalDayTable -currentAppointmentHour]): new methods that returns correctly formatted values used as attributes for JS code. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactSelector.m ([UIxContactSelector -initialContactsAsString]): renamed implementation of initialParticipants. ([UIxContactSelector -currentContactId]) ([UIxContactSelector -currentContactName]): new methods used when listing the initial contacts in the widget. Currently, both return the person's cn but the latter should ultimately return a user fullname. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactSelector.h: separated interface from UIxContactSelector.m. * UI/Scheduler/UIxDatePickerScript.[hm]: component removed since all javascript code is now put in Scheduler.js/generic.js. * UI/Scheduler/NSCalendarDate+UIx.[hm]: category removed, code moved into NSCalendarDate+Scheduler instead. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -setTimeZone:newTZ]): new method to configure the timezone from SOGoUserFolder when the instance is being created. ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -viewTimeZone]): MET was removed. Returns the value of the new "timezone" ivar. 2006-08-25 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.{css,js}: added a tabview with the date selector in the first page and the container of the future calendar selector in the second page. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added code for handling tabbed views. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -productFrameworkName]): returns the bundle name associated to the current running product. 2006-08-24 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/UIxAppointmentEditor.js: fixed the AJAX exception by invoking a timeout on the opener rather than invoking the list refresh method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayView.m ([UIxCalDayView -labelForDay]): removed method. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalWeekView.m ([UIxCalWeekView -weekBeforePrevWeekQueryParameters]) ([UIxCalWeekView -prevWeekQueryParameters]) ([UIxCalWeekView -nextWeekQueryParameters]) ([UIxCalWeekView -weekAfterNextWeekQueryParameters]): new methods that return the dates relatively to the current day. ([UIxCalWeekView -lastWeekName]) ([UIxCalWeekView -currentWeekName]) ([UIxCalWeekView -nextWeekName]) ([UIxCalWeekView -weekAfterNextWeekName]) ([UIxCalWeekView -_weekNumberWithOffsetFromToday:offset]): new methods that returns the label for the corresponding weeks. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayTable.[hm]: new class module/component used by UIxCalDayView and UIxCalWeekView to display the events occuring in one or more days. 2006-08-22 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.m: extended class to populate the entries in the new "monthMenu" and "yearMenu". * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDayView.m ([UIxCalDayView -labelForDay]): new method to return the current day as a string formatted depending on the current locale. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalAptListView.m ([UIxCalAptListView -startDate]) ([UIxCalAptListView -endDate]): "today" is now the default filter for displayed events. ([UIxCalAptListView -currentSerialDay]): new method returning the date of the current enumerated appointment in serial form (yyyymmdd). * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: added code to select the relevant day when an appointment is selected. Added code to popup a month and a year menu whenever the header entries are clicked in the calendar widget. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: made addClassName and removeClassName methods of HTMLElement. 2006-08-21 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: fixed the contact creation from email addresses. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: centralized the search-related functions here since the same code was used across the 3 applications. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalAptListView.m ([UIxCalAptListView -startDate]) ([UIxCalAptListView -endDate]): return the required dates needed depending on the value given to the "filterpopup" url parameter. * UI/Common/UIxToolbar.m ([UIxToolbar -buttonLabel]): reduced the code by invoking UIxComponent's labelForKey:. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -labelForKey:]): use [self pageResourceManager] instead of [self resourceManager]. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditorBase.m: invokes globallyUniqueObjectId on the clientobject's class instead of the hardcoded "SOGoFolder". * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m ([UIxContactFoldersView -newAction]): redirect the "new" action to the personal (default) contact folder. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoObject.m ([SOGoObject +objectWithName:inContainer:]): new constructor. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -lookupContactWithId:recordId]): always create a contact object, even if it does not exist. 2006-08-18 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMainView.[hm]: new class to serve as a pseudo component that lays out the different components of SOGoCalendar. Only serves as an Objective-C counterpart to its xml template. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.h: interface extracted from its .m file. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalFilterPanel.[hm]: new class designed to display a widget to handle the information displayed in the appointments list. Not currently used, lacks implementation. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalDateSelector.[hm]: new class designed to display a calendar as a dynamic widget from where one can select the current visible day. * UI/Scheduler/NSCalendarDate+Scheduler.[hm]: category code extracted from UIxCalInlineMonthOverview.m. * UI/Scheduler/UIxDatePicker.m: removed the jsPopup, jsCode and calendarPageURL methods. The javascript code is handled by .js files as much as possible... * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js, UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: adapted to the code refactoring in generic.js. * UI/WebServerResources/SchedulerUI.js: implemented functions to handle the new widgets. XmlHTTPRequest code taken from MailerUI.js. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: put some functions related to element selections as methods to HTMLElement and HTMLTableElement. * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalAptListView.[hm]: new class designed to display the list of appointments (embodies the code-size of UIxCalAptListView; answers to the "aptlist" method). 2006-08-15 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxCalWeekOverview.m ([UIxCalWeekOverview -correctURLAction]): new short action method replacing the method below by taking far less code. * SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m ([SOGoAppointmentFolder -GETAction:]): removed method. Replaced with an action in the view-related code. * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m: invoke "stringByEscapingHTMLString" on the resulting value to avoid issues with accented characters. ([-jsCode]): removed method since the javascript code was merged into SchedulerUI.js. 2006-08-14 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/iCalPerson+UIx.m ([iCalPerson +personWithUid:]): new class method that returns an iCalPerson based on the UID given as param. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewContainerBase.m: UIxContactsListViewContainer renamed to serve as a base class for the contact lists in both the contact editor and the contact selectors. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.m ([SOGoContactLDAPFolder -LDAPSetHostname:setPort:setBindDN:setBindPW:setContactIdentifier: setUserIdentifier:setRootDN:]): an LDAP field specifying the loginname of the users can now be specified. * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added code to manage contact lists through the new implementation of the UIxContactSelector. * UI/Templates: put the templates related to SchedulerUI in its own directory. * SoObjects/Contacts/NGLdapEntry+Contact.m ([NGLdapEntry -asDictionaryWithAttributeNames:withUID:andCName:cName]): add an entry for "uid" with the field name representing the login name of the user in the corresponding LDAP branch. 2006-08-10 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.m ([SOGoContactGCSFolder -lookupName:_keyinContext:_ctxacquire:_flag]): when the HTTP request is a PUT, always create an entry, even if we're not sure it does exist. 2006-08-09 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js: implemented live-search. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m ([SOGoContactFolders -appendSystemSourcesInContext:context]): populated method with code that creates entries mapped to instances SOGoContactFolder, based on the configuration found in the NSUserDefaults under the key "SOGoLDAPAddressBooks". ([SOGoContactFolders -lookupName:nameinContext:contextacquire:acquire]): "contactsources" do not exist anymore, SOGoContactFolder was split into two classes: SOGoContactGCSFolder and SOGoContactLDAPFolder and one protocol: SOGOContactFolder, instead. ([SOGoContactFolders -contactFolders]): new accessor used by the views of SOGoContactXXXFolder to list the possible sources. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactObject.h: new protocol that defines the methods that UIxContactsView, ..Editor and so on... can expect. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolder.h: new protocol that defines the methods that UIxContactsListViewBase expects as well as the data fields returned in the contact lists. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPFolder.[hm]: new class that returns entries an LDAP server. Conforms to the new SOGOContactFolder protocol. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDAPEntry.[hm]: new class that returns a vCard based on contact entries from an LDAP server. Conforms to the new SOGOContactObject protocol. * SoObjects/Contacts/NGVCardSimpleValue+Contact.m ([NGVCardSimpleValue -vCardEntryString]): generates the correct entry for the textual representation of the vCard. * SoObjects/Contacts/NGVCardSimpleValue+Contact.[hm]: new class extension. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSEntry.[hm]: new module name of "SOGoContactObject". * SoObjects/Contacts/NGVCard+Contact.m ([NGVCard -asString]): new method that generates a textual representation of the vcard. * SoObjects/Contacts/NGVCard+Contact.[hm]: new class extension. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.[hm]: new module name of "SOGoContactFolder". * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactSource.h, SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoPersonalAB.[hm]: unused classes and protocols. * SoObjects/Contacts/NGLdapEntry+Contact.m ([NGLdapEntry -singleAttributeWithName:key]): new method that returns the first object associated with an ldap key (where generally one value is returned by key). ([NGLdapEntry -asDictionaryWithAttributeNames:attributeNamesandCName:cName]): map the entry into an NSDictionary for processing by UIxContactsListViewBase.m with the least possible overhead. * SoObjects/Contacts/NGLdapEntry+Contact.[hm]: new class extension. 2006-08-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.m ([SOGoUserFolder -privateContacts:inContext:]): now returns an instance of SOGoContactFolders. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewContainer.m ([UIxContactsListViewContainer -contactFolderName]): new method to return the absolute path to the current contact folder, called from within the template. * UI/Templates/ContactsUI/UIxContactsListViewContainer.wox: added JS code to initialize the 'currentContactFolder' generic var. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolder.m ([SOGoContactFolder +contactFolderWithSource:inContainer:andName:]): new class method meant to return an instance connected to the specified source. Currently useless but won't be anymore in the next few days. * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.h: commented out declaration of the "lookupFreeBusyObject" method since it does not exist. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.[hm]: new class module serving as a "view" for the SOGoContactFolders object. Does nothing but redirect the browser to the URL of the personal address book of the user. It does not even have a template. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoPersonalAB.[hm]: new class module implementing the SOGoContactSource protocol. Does nothing currently but will be used to implement access to the personal address book of the user stored in the SOGo database. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactSource.h: new "SOGoContactSource" protocol defining an API common to all possible types of contact sources. * SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.[hm]: new class module serving as the root of the contact folders available to the current user. Correctly lists the contact sources in webdav. 2006-08-03 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailAccountsView.m ([UIxMailAccountsView -composeAction]): new action method that permits external object to write a message from the default (primary) account. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditorBase.m ([UIxContactEditorBase -initSnapshot]): new method with code taken from "defaultAction" but needed for others. ([UIxContactEditorBase -writeAction]): new action designed to compose the correct URL needed to obtain the MailerUI's email editor with the correct "mailto" parameter. * UI/Common/UIxSortableTableHeader.m: moved from MailerUI to Common so that other modules can use it. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsListViewContainer.m: container to make it easier to manage both ajax and non-ajax requests. * UI/Contacts/UIxContactsFilterPanel.m: clone of UIxMailFilterPanel, but applicable to contact lists. * SoObjects/Contacts/NSDictionary+Contact.m ([NSDictionary -vcardContentFromSOGoContactRecord]): use the new standard methods created for each type of entry. If a line is determined to not contain information, it will be skipped. * SoObjects/SOGo/AgenorUserManager.m ([AgenorUserManager +initialize]): init defaultMailDomain with the user default "SOGoDefaultMailDomain". 2006-08-02 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditorBase.m ([UIxContactEditorBase -saveAction]): reorganized methods to only have ONE return point. Invoke saveRecord: directly on the clientObject instead of saveContentString, which does the same thing anyway. * SoObjects/Contacts/NSDictionary+Contact.m ([NSDictionary -vcardContentFromSOGoContactRecord]): extension method to convert the dictionary returned with the user submission to a record in VCARD format to be stored in the database. 2006-08-01 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: when opening the context menu of the message list, select the message below the mouse cursor and deselect the other selected messages temporarily. This mimics the behaviour of Thunderbird for that matter and was already implemented for the entries of the folder tree. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderMenu.m ([UIxMailFolderMenu -iconForMenuItem]): new method that returns the fully qualified relative URL to the icon representing the mailbox, or the default mailbox icon if needed. * UI/SOGoUI/UIxComponent.m ([UIxComponent -urlForResourceFilename:filename]): automatically return an empty string whenever the filename passed as argument is nil. * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: open the mailboxes with the "desc" parameter set to 1 so that they are sorted in descending order by default. Also, added "onHeaderClick()", triggered by clicking on the message list header elements. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailSortableTableHeader.m ([UIxMailSortableTableHeader -isSortedDescending]): same as below. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -isSortedDescending]): defaults to "YES" when the sort order is not specified. 2006-07-31 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/MailerUI.js: - message cache: set the max num of cached messages to 20. Limit the cached message size to 30000 bytes. - ajax: when a message request is called while one is already being performed, the latter will be cancelled. Idem when retrieving the content of a mailbox. - folder tree: when a mailbox is selected because of the URL requested (initMailboxSelection), the dtree is expanded throughout the mailbox entry's parent hierarchy to ensure it is made visible when the page is being displayed. (new function: expandUpperTree). - mailbox loading: when loading a mailbox where a message was previously selected, we invoke its url with the "pageforuid" parameter correctly specified. During callback processing, we scan the table for the related row and reselect it. Also, the message area is set blank before loading any mailbox. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailListView.m ([UIxMailListView -defaultAction]): if the "pageforuid" parameter is passed in the url, take its value and invoke [self firstMessageOfPageFor:] consequently to deduce the first message to display. Otherwise, set it to "idx", otherwise set it to 0. ([UIxMailListView -firstMessageOfPageFor:]): new method that determines the first message of the page where the message passed as parameter is contained. * UI/WebServerResources/UIxMailListView.js: removed this module, its code was put in MailerUI.js instead. 2006-07-28 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFolderMenu.m: a descendent of UIxMailTree which returns the nodes for the parent specified in "parentMenu". Used to generate the javascript code for the folder dtree. * UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailPanelFrame.wox: the components using that container-template are now using UIxMailMainFrame since UIxMailPanelFrame had no real interest. File removed. * UI/WebServerResources/dtree.{css,js}: new files to handle javascript-generated mailbox tree. Modified from original version by integrating the previous code with the one we are using for selections and mailbox handling. Minor visual enhancements too... 2006-07-25 Wolfgang Sourdeau * SoObjects/Mailer/SOGoUser+Mail.m: if only one identity is to be returned, put it in an NSArray before returning it (fixes bug#217). 2006-07-24 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/SOGoUI/NSString+URL.m ([NSString -hostlessURL]): new method that returns a url string stripped from its "http://hostname" prefix. * UI/SOGoUI/NSDictionary+URL.[hm]: moved from UI/Common. * UI/SOGoUI/NSString+URL.[hm]: moved from UI/Common. 2006-07-17 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/MailerUI/WOContext+UIxMailer.m ([WOContext -mailDateFormatter]): retrieve the timezone from the user settings and pass it to the returned dateFormatter. Also, the dateFormatter is kept in a static variable to avoid useless creations/destructions. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFormatter.m ([UIxMailDateFormatter -setTimeZone:newTimeZone]): new accessor to specify the timezone. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailFilterPanel.m ([UIxMailFilterPanel -setSearchCriteria:]) ([UIxMailFilterPanel -searchCriteria]): new methods, similar to s/Criteria/Text/ to handle the "criteria" form parameter. 2006-07-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/WebServerResources/uix.css: enhanced the toolbar appearance to integrate better with the firefox look&feel. Added entries for the new "menu" DIV class (popup menus). * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added "sanitizeMailTo" which takes any chunk of text as param, detects the user email and the optional first and last names and return them in a well-formatted way. Renamed "getSelection" to "getSelectedNodes" to avoid a namespace conflict. Added "onMenuClick(node, event, menuId)" to handle popup menus through "onclick" element attributes (node = this, event = event and menuId = name of the menu DIV id to popup). * UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditorBase.m ([UIxContactEditorBase -snapshot]): add an entry for "email" into the snapshot dictionary if a "contactEmail" URL parameter was detected and if the entry for "email" is empty. * UI/Contacts/Toolbars/SOGoContactFolder.toolbar: the "new card" button now invokes the newContact() js function in ContactsUI.js instead of opening "new" directly. newContact() pops up a window stripped from its navigation bar. * UI/Contacts/ContactsUI.js: new module specific to the ContactsUI bundle (AddressBook). * UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailView.wox: added a div of class "menu" and id "addressMenu" have the header email addresses display it with the new menu code in generic.js. * UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailPanelFrame.wox: same as below + replaced the body tables with a div of class "pageContent" (standardization across the page templates). * UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.wox: include productJavaScriptURL and pageJavaScriptURL (conditionnally) since those are now inherited from UIxPageFrame. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailView.js: new file specific to UIxMailView. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailToSelection.m ([UIxMailToSelection -to]): if a "mailto" URL parameter is detected and the "to" array is empty, initialize "to" with the value of "mailto" before returning it. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailEditorAction.m ([UIxMailEditorAction -composeAction]): rewrote method in a cleaner way and with usage of the URL extensions to NSString and NSDictionary (see below). Also, if a "mailto" url parameter is detected, pass it to the redirected url. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.m: subclassed from UIxPageFrame to reduce code. * UI/Common/NSDictionary+URL.m ([NSDictionary -asURLParameters]): returns a parameter string to add to a base URL. * UI/Common/NSString+URL.m ([NSString -composeURLWithAction:parameters:andHash:useHash]): new method to compose a complete URL from an object URL with parameters and an optional '#' character. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.h: separated interface from UIxPageFrame.m. 2006-07-07 Wsourdeau Sourdeau * UI/Scheduler/UIxAppointmentEditor.m: returns yes to "isPopup"; * UI/WebServerResources/generic.js: added code to manage selections within HTML containers. * UI/Common/UIxPageFrame.m ([UIxPageFrame -productJavaScriptURL]): added method to determine the possible URL for a product-specific javascript filename of the forme .js. ([UIxPageFrame -hasProductSpecificJavaScript]): new method. ([UIxPageFrame -isPopup]): new method to determine whether the application navigator bar should be displayed (main page) or not (popup page). * SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoAuthenticator.m ([SOGoAuthenticator -LDAPCheckLogin:_loginpassword:_pwd]): new method to authenticate the user through LDAP. 2006-07-06 Wolfgang Sourdeau * The toolbar code from the MailerUI product was taken, renamed as "UIxToolBar" and put into UI/Common. Toolbar plists were created for the Contacts and Scheduler products and put in their respectir Toolbars/ subdirectories. Finally, UI/Templates/{UIxToolbarButton,UIxToolbarSeparator}.wox, and UI/Common/{UIxToolbarButton,UIxToolbarSeparator}.m were removed and an invocation to the UIxToolbar component was put at the top of UI/Templaces/UIxPageFrame.wox. * UI/Common/UIxToolbar.m: new "isLastGroup" method to determine within the templates whether a separator should be displayed. * UI/Common/UIxToolbar.m ([UIxToolbar -hasButtons]): new method that returns NO if the toolbar is empty. 2006-07-05 Wolfgang Sourdeau * UI/Templates/UIxPageFrame.wox: replaced central table with a DIV. * UI/Common/UIxToolbarSeparator.m, UI/Common/UIxToolbarButton.m: new toolbar objects. * UI/Templates/UIxPageFrame.wox: use the exact html code as below. * UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.wox: redone the linkbanner as a DIV instead of a TABLE. * UI/MailerUI/UIxMailMainFrame.m [UIxMailMainFrame showLinkBanner]: returns 'YES' to request the display of the navigation bar between applets. 2006-06-15 ludovic@inverse.ca * It's now possible to set the default domain using for email using the SOGoDefaultMailDomain preference key. 2006-06-15 ludovic@inverse.ca * Initial import of SOGo from trunk.