]> err.no Git - scalable-opengroupware.org/blob - UI/Scheduler/product.plist
git-svn-id: http://svn.opengroupware.org/SOGo/inverse/trunk@1236 d1b88da0-ebda-0310...
[scalable-opengroupware.org] / UI / Scheduler / product.plist
1 { /* -*-javascript-*- */
2   requires = ( MAIN, MainUI, CommonUI, Appointments, Contacts, ContactsUI );
4   publicResources = (
5      previous_week.gif,
6      next_week.gif,
7      icon_view_overview.gif,
8      icon_view_overview_inactive.gif,
9      icon_view_chart.gif,
10      icon_view_chart_inactive.gif,
11      icon_view_list.gif,
12      icon_view_list_inactive.gif,
13      icon_view_columns.gif,
14      icon_view_columns_inactive.gif,
15      icon_popupcalendar.gif,
16      first.gif,
17      previous.gif,
18      next.gif,
19      last.gif,
20      skycalendar.html,
21      skycalendar.js,
22      green_corner.gif,
23      invisible_space_2.gif,
24      cycles.plist,
25   );
27   factories = {
28   };
30   categories = {
31      SOGoAppointmentFolders = {
32         slots = {
33            toolbar = {
34               protectedBy = "View";
35               value = "SOGoAppointmentFolders.toolbar";
36            };
37         };
38         methods = {
39            view = {
40               protectedBy = "View";
41               pageName    = "UIxCalMainView";
42            };
43            dateselector = {
44               protectedBy = "View";
45               pageName    = "UIxCalDateSelector"; 
46            };
47            eventslist = {
48               protectedBy = "View";
49               actionClass = "UIxCalListingActions";
50               actionName = "eventsList";
51            };
52            taskslist = {
53               protectedBy = "View";
54               actionClass = "UIxCalListingActions";
55               actionName = "tasksList";
56            };
57            dayview = {
58               protectedBy = "View";
59               pageName    = "UIxCalDayView"; 
60            };
61            multicolumndayview = {
62               protectedBy = "View";
63               pageName    = "UIxCalMulticolumnDayView"; 
64            };
65            weekview = {
66               protectedBy = "View";
67               pageName    = "UIxCalWeekView"; 
68            };
69            monthview = {
70               protectedBy = "View";
71               pageName    = "UIxCalMonthView"; 
72            };
73            show = { 
74               protectedBy = "View";
75               pageName    = "UIxCalView"; 
76               actionName  = "redirectForUIDs";
77            };
78            proposal = { 
79               protectedBy = "View";
80               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentProposal"; 
81            };
82            proposalSearch = { 
83               protectedBy = "View";
84               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentProposal"; 
85               actionName  = "proposalSearch";
86            };
87            userRights = {
88               protectedBy = "ReadAcls";
89               pageName    = "UIxCalUserRightsEditor";
90            };
91            saveUserRights = {
92               protectedBy = "SaveAcls";
93               pageName    = "UIxCalUserRightsEditor";
94               actionName  = "saveUserRights";
95            };
96            editAttendees = {
97               protectedBy = "View";
98               pageName    = "UIxAttendeesEditor";
99            };
100         };
101      };
103      SOGoAppointmentFolder = {
104         methods = {
105            newevent = {
106               protectedBy = "Add Documents, Images, and Files";
107               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentEditor"; 
108               actionName  = "new";
109            };
110            newtask = { 
111               protectedBy = "Add Documents, Images, and Files";
112               pageName    = "UIxTaskEditor"; 
113               actionName  = "new";
114            };
115            show = { 
116               protectedBy = "View";
117               pageName    = "UIxCalView"; 
118               actionName  = "redirectForUIDs";
119            };
120            userRights = {
121               protectedBy = "ReadAcls";
122               pageName    = "UIxCalUserRightsEditor";
123            };
124            saveUserRights = {
125               protectedBy = "SaveAcls";
126               pageName    = "UIxCalUserRightsEditor";
127               actionName  = "saveUserRights";
128            };
129         };
130      };
132      SOGoCalendarComponent = {
133      };
135      SOGoAppointmentObject = {
136         slots = {
137            toolbar = {
138               protectedBy = "View";
139               value = "SOGoAppointmentObject.toolbar";
140            };
141         };
142         methods = {
143            edit = {
144               protectedBy = "ViewAllComponent";
145               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentEditor"; 
146            };
147            editAsAppointment = { 
148               protectedBy = "ViewAllComponent";
149               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentEditor"; 
150            };
151            save = { 
152               protectedBy = "ModifyComponent";
153               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentEditor"; 
154               actionName  = "save";
155            };
156            saveAsAppointment = {
157               protectedBy = "ModifyComponent";
158               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentEditor"; 
159               actionName  = "save";
160            };
161            accept = { 
162               protectedBy = "RespondToComponent";
163               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentEditor"; 
164               actionName  = "accept";
165            };
166            decline = { 
167               protectedBy = "RespondToComponent";
168               pageName    = "UIxAppointmentEditor"; 
169               actionName  = "decline";
170            };
171         };
172      };
174      SOGoTaskObject = {
175         slots = {
176            toolbar = {
177               protectedBy = "View";
178               value = "SOGoAppointmentObject.toolbar";
179            };
180         };
181         methods = {
182 //         delete = { 
183 //            protectedBy = "Delete Objects";
184 //            pageName    = "UIxTaskView"; 
185 //            actionName  = "delete";
186 //         };
187            edit = { 
188               protectedBy = "ViewAllComponent";
189               pageName    = "UIxTaskEditor"; 
190            };
191            editAsTask = { 
192               protectedBy = "ViewAllComponent";
193               pageName    = "UIxTaskEditor"; 
194            };
195            save = { 
196               protectedBy = "ModifyComponent";
197               pageName    = "UIxTaskEditor"; 
198               actionName  = "save";
199            };
200            saveAsTask = { 
201               protectedBy = "ModifyComponent";
202               pageName    = "UIxTaskEditor"; 
203               actionName  = "save";
204            };
205            changeStatus = {
206               protectedBy = "ModifyComponent";
207               pageName    = "UIxTaskEditor"; 
208               actionName  = "changeStatus";
209            };
210            accept = { 
211               protectedBy = "RespondToComponent";
212               pageName    = "UIxTaskEditor"; 
213               actionName  = "accept";
214            };
215            decline = { 
216               protectedBy = "RespondToComponent";
217               pageName    = "UIxTaskEditor"; 
218               actionName  = "decline";
219            };
220         };
221      };
222   };
223 }