Debconf coming to an end
1 minute read

Slowly, DebConf5 is coming to an end. It’s been great fun, I’ve met new friends and old friends. There has been interesting discussions about more or less everything under the sun, and there has been some conflicts where people (me included) have been singing at six o’clock in the morning, where people have not done as they’ve been asked to, but all in all, I think everybody has had a great time.

It’s a bit sad and strange to see people slowly packing their stuff up, everything from not letting their things be all over the place to people actually leaving. I’m looking forward to next year and hope it will be even more fun.

I wish to extend a great thanks to the organisers, with special thanks to mooch and the people who have made the whole of DebConf5 a smooth experience. Rock on.

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