Mapper ------ Mapper is a fork of maemo-mapper, with emphasis on using and creating OpenStreetMap data. Original maemo-mapper Copyright (C) 2006-2007 John Costigan. POI and GPS-Info code originally written by Cezary Jackiewicz. All code after fork Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Kaj-Michael Lang Building -------- ./ ./configure && make && make install How to use OSM data ------------------- Right now this needs some manual work. 1. Import data from planet.osm (or from a .osm file saved from JOSM) The planet must be bzip2:ed! Run: osm2db planet.osm.bz2 The full planet database can be quite large so you can limit the import to a box. This require 4 parameters, min lat/lon and max lat/lon: osm2db planet.osm.bz2 60.0 18.0 70.0 33.0 2. Start mapper and configure the database path so it points the file just created.